My Grandfather?!

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Izuku and Momo are currently talking by the school gates, talking, waiting for her limo to show up. "So uhhh Izuku, I was wondering when can we tell our parents that we are dating." Momo says a little nervously and twiddles her thumbs a little.

Izuku looks over at Momo and smiles a little giving her a view of his sharp teeth. "Well, my sweet, we can tell them today if you'd like, but that's all up to you." Izuku says softly as he takes one of her hands and kisses it. Momo's face goes deep red, and steam shoots out of her ears.

"W-Well, I don't mind telling my parents today." Momo says with a slight stutter.

"Well then it's settled, we will tell our parents today. I'll talk to my mother and see if we can have you and your parents over for dinner to celebrate." Izuku says and cups Momo's cheek gently and kisses her forehead.

"O-Ok." Momo says and sees her limo rounds the corner. "Well, let me know what your mom says. I'll talk to my parents. Bye, Zuzu." Momo says and runs over to her limo, not realizing what she has said.

'Zuzu? Well, I think I should come up with a cute nickname for her too.' Izuku thinks to himself as he walks off. "I should go to the shopping center and get Momo something. I should probably get mom something too." Izuku says to himself as he walks off.

(With Momo.)

"So Momo, who was that boy you were with?" Tamo Yaoyorozu- Momo's mother says.

"So Momo, who was that boy you were with?"  Tamo Yaoyorozu- Momo's mother says

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"O-o that w-was m-my b-b-boyfriend I-Izuku T-Tatsuma." Momo says, stuttering and becoming as red as a tomato.

"So that's the famous Izuku? wait boyfriend when this happen?" Tamo asks a bit shocked.

"H-He asked me o-out today." Momo says with a light pink tint on her cheeks.

"Well, congratulations, Momo. His last name sounds familiar to me, but I can't place it." Tamo says and leans back in the seat.

"Oh, he's the son of the number five hero Ryukyu." Momo says happily.

"Well, Momo, you sure do have excellent taste." Tamo says with a smirk.

"M-Mother! It's not like that I love him for him and not because of his quirk, or who he's related to. He could be quirkless, and I would still love him." Momo says.

"Calm down, Momo I was only teasing." Tamo says with a sigh.

"Anyways, mother, he says he will ask his mother if we can go over to his house for dinner, so we can celebrate being a couple." Momo says.

"Sounds like fun, I just hope that your father doesn't say anything to embarrass the family." Tamo says.

(With Izuku.)

Izuku is currently walking under a bridge on his way to the Musutafu shopping center. "I wonder what I should get Momo, and mom?" Izuku asks himself.

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