"I just wanted some soup..."

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Yancey sneezed sending sickness all around himself.
Ok. That's that. I'm making some of grangran's delish homemade soup. Even if it doesn't have healing properties, it'll still make me feel better.

With that thought in mind, he trudged to the employee kitchen, which was empty since none of his employees really ate anything, cookbook in hand.
His mind still hazy he found the page but dropped the book, barely keeping the page as he caught it.
After adding the ingredients, he began to stir the concoction.

You know, I didn't think her soup had rosemary or cinnamon in it but hey, I'm following the recipe.

After turning the heat down, he turned around to grab some OJ out of the fridge when he heard something cracking behind him. Spinning around he saw the stove explode.

After his eyes adjusted he looked up and saw a creature gently holding his chin. It had two long ears, or maybe horns? Coming out of its head, a fluffy collar hid its neck and finally Yancey saw a long white tail snaking around it.

His mind finally catching up he screamed and scooted backwards. The creature, whatever it was, looked shocked and recoiled into a standing position as Jon ran down the stairs.

"Yancey!? Are you alright!"

He ran into the kitchen but froze when he saw the creature looming above Yancey. But he didn't look scared... just confused.

"Uh Jason, why are you naked? With Yancey?"

The creature mumbled out something as Yancey clambered around it, taking a knife from the block on the way, and standing between them pointing the bread knife at the creature while Jon looked on.

"That's not Jason! I don't know what it is!"

Zennaire walked into the room briefly before seeing the knife and calling out to Carmellia before leaving.

The creature tilted its head and muttered something while Jon reached for a dish towel.

"Jason please, just cover up. It's not like you."

Yancey looked at him and smacked the towel out of his hand.
"JON! That's not Jason!"

"Listen to him Jon."

Yancey turned as Jason stood behind them, pistol pointed at the creature. Jon looked more confused as ever as he looked back and forth between Jason and the Creature.

"Wait... but if you're here then... what's that?"
He pointed at the thing but jumped as Jason fired a round at it.

It growled but otherwise seemed unaffected. It looked at Yancey and tilted its head again.

This is just a fever dream. That's all....

The knife fell out of his hand and as Yancey's slight dimmed he saw the creature quickly sweep him up.


He woke up on Jon's couch upstairs, snuggled into something fluffy. Jon looked at him but was standing slightly behind Jason, who looked more irritated than normal.

Jon reached towards Yancey but stopped as something tightened its grip on him and growled.
Looking up, Yancey saw the creature from before had its wing, talon, things wrapped around him, pressing him into itself.
   It was warm and rather inviting but it loosened its grip as he sat up.

"Am I still dreaming?"

Jon shook his head.
"I wish you were Yancey."
"Care to explain the doppelgänger Yancey?"

Jason's tone was harsh as Yancey squeaked out his reply.

"I just wanted some soup... but what do you mean doppelgänger?"

He scoffed, earning another growl from the creature.
"That thing looks like Jon, and apparently me to Jon. Either way, it's naked."

Yancey looked at the thing. It's pure black eyes reflected his face but there was no way it was Jason or Jon, or even human.

"Uh what are you?"

The creature looked at him before Yancey heard a clear, almost silky voice.

"I've been called many things."
"Such as?"

There was a pause.
"Encantado, lucfir, Popobawa, succubus or incubus..."
"I summoned a sex demon?"

Jon and Jason looked at Yancey before Jason spoke.
"Great now he's talking to it."
"Yeah but it isn't responding..."

Yancey looked at the demon and spoke again.

"Sooo... what should I call you?"
"Ok. Drac- um... Dracynir it is."

The name wasn't easy for Yancey to pronounce but he tried his best.

"Why were you in my grangrans cookbook?"
"You summoned me. I was not in her book."
"Right. So why don't you just leave?"
"The contract is not fulfilled."

That doesn't sound good...

"We are bound together until your desires have been granted."

Yancey grinned. He knew the answer to that!

"Oh easy! World peace!"
"Not that kind of desire."

He slumped down.
"Is there any other way? Not that you aren't... uh nice looking. Does it have to be me?"

There was silence before Jon spoke up.

"Not to interrupt but uh... what's going on?"

"Oh. I summoned a lust demon. And the only way to get it unsummoned is for me and it to um... well... yeah I'm sure you can guess."

Jason crossed his arms.
"Well hurry it up then. You have an office downstairs right?"

Yancey jumped up.
"Yeah expect, it's not a uh human for me... it's a cryptid..."
"This is my true form."

Jason facepalmed.
"You're a furry? Great..."
"No! Look man, I'm married to my job ok? I don't have... those kinds of feelings for people!"
"Jason! Yancey is not a furry..."

Yancey shifted on his feet and looked again at Dracynir.
"Besides even if I wanted to, which I don't, uh no offense Dracynir... but there's nothing uh downstairs."

The two guys stared at him before Jason shook his head and went to leave.

"Yeah I can't do this today. You coming Jon?"

Jon looked between him and Yancey who waved him off.

"You can go with Jason while I get this worked out Jon..."

They said their goodbyes and this left Dracynir and Yancey alone downstairs in his office.

"So... since you're stuck here, want to help me fix the kitchen?"

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