Chapter Eleven - Happenings in the Courtroom

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Drew and Angus pretended that everything was perfectly normal the next three days. Nothing was said to Frenk or Marta or even Blaze. Drew wasn't exactly sure why he was so reluctant to tell Blaze, but it may have had something to do with his new obsession with Cimmorene. Suddenly, Drew was alone before training, at every meal, and every evening as well. He didn't even always see Blaze at night. As much as he tried to convince himself that he was happy for Blaze, there was an undercurrent of jealousy that he couldn't deny. It didn't help that he'd been so busy he hadn't been able to visit Snaps.

Everything irritated him as well, something he tried to blame on the approaching Full Moon, but even knowing he was making excuses irritated him. It really was just a matter of time before he snapped- again. And it wouldn't be pretty.

Drew was finishing up with Angus when Blaze called to him. The sun had entirely set, leaving them with nothing but the light of torches in the courtyard. To Drew's surprise, Cimmorene was with Blaze. He wasn't surprised that Blaze was with her, just surprised that Blaze was bothering to interact with anyone else while he was with her.

"Drew! Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah, what is it?" He and Angus finished putting away their gear and met Blaze and Cimmorene halfway.

"I know what we're doing for Full Moon."

"Oh. That's- that's not too far away is it?" He had just expected to spend Full Moon in his room and hadn't bothered thinking about it much.

"A week," Blaze said with a hint of disapproval, no doubt realizing that Drew had forgotten.

"Well, what are we doing?" Blaze looked to Cimmorene. Drew noticed they were holding hands, and a surge of irrational irritation mixed with jealousy spiked through him.

"I've always spent Full Moon in the King's Forest," Cimmorene explained. "It's stocked with small game and large enough to run in. I'm sure if you made an appeal you'd be allowed to join me."

"The king doesn't strike me as a very generous man," Drew said in a low voice.

"But you have an advantage," Cimmorene countered. "I'm the princess's handmaiden- and friend. She'll back you on this, I'm sure of it."

"If you say so. When do we present our appeal?"

"Tomorrow morning, first thing," Blaze said. "I've already talked with Sir Tandry and he said he can take the trainees in the morning."

"You did what?" Even Drew was surprised at the snarl that tore from his throat, but he wasn't backing down.

"I- I asked Sir Tandry-"

"I'm the one in charge of the trainees, Blaze. Not you." Blaze stepped back, pulling Cimmorene with him, a flicker of fear in both their eyes.

"I just thought-"

"Yes, you thought. But you didn't ask. How did you know I didn't have something special planned for tomorrow morning?"

"You- you do? You never said anything; I just assumed-"


"Did you have something planned?" Odd. Blaze's eyes had gone gold, but he didn't look angry.

"That's beside the point," Drew snapped. Wolf was pacing, his presence just beneath Drew's skin. He wanted out. Why does he want out?

"Drew, I'm sorry. You're right, I should've talked to first before saying anything to SIir Tandry." Then he did something funny. He tipped his head slightly back and to the side, yellow eyes on the ground.

Age of War: Book One - Alliance of WolvesWhere stories live. Discover now