Heavy Rain

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A crash from downstairs get my attention and I look at the time, it was twelve am. I walk down the stairs to see Mark bumping into everything and tripping on his own feet. My heart sank as I saw him in this state, my blood began to pump as I started to get anxiety.

"Mark. Are you drunk?" He turns around and I take in his appearance, his face was red and sweaty. After his encounter with Felix, Mark had gotten really upset. Not wanting to cause a scene at the shelter, I left early. Mark and I had argued the whole car ride and even more when we finally made it home. I loved Mark but I hated how jealous he could get, when he was angry it was hard trying to talk to him. Our argument had escalated and Mark had stormed off without a word. Hours had gone by and I hadn't heard a word from him. He ignored my calls and texts and I was left home worrying about him.

"No, I'm fine." He slightly slurred out and I scoffed.

"Why did you go out to drink?" I walked to him slowly with my arms crossed. Mark laughed bitterly and I stopped in my tracks. I knew where this was going and I just wanted it to stop. "Mark I don't know how else to tell you, nothing is going on with Felix. We're just friends and I love you, just you." I try grabbing his face but he removes my hand and walks away.

"I don't trust or like him. He's always around you like a stalker, that doesn't bother you?" I ignored the hurt I felt from his rejection and rub my temples in frustration. 

"Mark, he works with me. I think you're overreacting-"

"Overreacting? You gotta be fucking kidding me." His deep voice had boomed making me flinch. My breath was caught in my throat as horrible memories had started to flash in my head. I tried my best to shake them off and calm down. "How the hell am I supposed to act? He likes you Brianna, I see the way he looks at you."


"I don't want you to see Felix anymore."

"Are you serious." I scoffed at how dramatic he was being. Even if I wanted to avoid Felix, I couldn't.

"Yes. I don't like it when you're around him. I don't trust you to-"

"Careful on what you're about to say." I point a finger to him and stare at him with a cold glare.

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?"

"I'm scared he's going to take you from me." I felt my heart sank as the words left his mouth. I walk towards him and grab his hand. He looks down at it and offers a sad smile. I didn't like hearing this, Mark was an amazing guy. He just needed to trust me, I would never hurt him, he means way too much to me. Sure Felix was a big flirt but that was just his personality, I would never let him act on it.

"Mark that would never happen-" I try comforting him but get cut off.

"You're right it won't. Because you're going to stop seeing him." I throw my hands up in frustration and groan as I pace around the living room. "It's not a big deal if you'd just listen-"

"HE'S JUST A FRIEND MARK. I'm not making this a big deal, you are! I can't avoid him he works for me!" I turn around and face him, I was tired of arguing. I just wanted this whole petty situation to stop, there was nothing wrong with me being friends with a guy. Mark always made a big deal of my guys friend, it hurt that he didnt trust me.

"Maybe next time, your friend can-" in a swift move, Mark loses his balance and falls on the ground. I rush to his side and he whines like a child as I try picking him up. I sit him up and try pulling him up on his feet but Mark was a heavy guy. It didn't help that he was just sitting there not even trying to get up.

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