Chapter 2: Fooling the Fool

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Fooling the Fool

"Morning sleepy heads!" said a pleasant soft, voice in the distance "Come on you can't stay there all day!"

As TK slowly woke he felt a comfortable weight on his chest and his arms around a soft, delicate figure. A silly grin plastered itself across his face. "Five more minutes.." he mumbled

"Five more minutes he asks!" groaned another voice, deeper than the first

"Come on Tai, isn't it traditonal to give a dying man his last request?" chuckled an all too familiar, third voice.

"Matt?" TK said in surprise "What do you mean by 'dying man'?"

"Open your eyes and find out Casanova," said the first voice again amusement creeping in.

Doing as he was told, TK's eyes fluttered open and the smiling, bright eyed face of Sora greeted him. "Sora? What are you doing here?"

"Tai called Matt to show him something, Matt heard that you didn't go home last night, however Yolei told him about the pair of you leaving together, he put two and two together and called me to stop Tai killing you."

Kari's arms tightened around TK "Tai you are not to kill TK, or I'll set Nefertimon on you!" mumbled the girl as she snuggled her head against the blondes chest.

"Are you awake? Cause everyone is staring at us" TK whispered

Karis' snapped open carefully, her head turned and took in the scene. Tai sat on the single chair, he was staring out the window his hands gripping the arm rests tightly. Sora stood next to him her hand resting on his shoulder as if to restrain him. Matt, however, was sitting on the floor a laptop on his knees, connected to which was the phone socket and a digital camera, he had a wide grin and an evil look in his eye.

Kari knew that evil grin, Matt only used it when he had pulled a major prank of some kind, "MATT! What did you do?!" she yelled leaping to ther feet.

The rock star patted the camera, "Nothing, Sis, just sent a charming picture to everyone.." he began to laugh uncontrollably,

"Everyone!?" Kari and TK asked eyes Widening.

"Yep," Matts' grin got wide as he glanced at his watch "5...4...3...2-"


Matt was laughing his head off by this point and Tai was slowly joining him, Sora still had that daydream look in her eye. TK Stared at the door his face creased with worry, but gradually, like someone was turning a dimmer swicth a smile formed and an evil glint entered his ocean blue eyes.

"What are you planning TK?" Kari enquired, her face still full of worry. She didn't want to see her friends fight, especially over her.

"Tai can I borrow you bath robe?" The Chosen of Hope asked the older boy.

Tai's eyes lit up "Dude thats harsh! What a really low thing to do! I LOVE IT!" he disappeared for a moment into his room returning with the orange garment.

TK thanked him, he whipped off his hat and threw it on the floor, he then took of his T-shirt, causing Kari to turn bright red. After crumpling up the shirt he also threw it on the floor, making sure it was in was in sight of the door. Quickly ruffling his hair, he draped Tai's robe around him and went to answer the door.

Davis was in mid-curse when the door opened, he saw the orange robe with a blue Crest of Courage stitched over the breast pocket.

"Tai where is he?! Wheres TK!?" he demanded, fury blinding him

"Wow Davis you finally learned my name! I'm glad your here anyway i need to ask you something important."

Seeing who stood in his idols robe, Davis was about to launch him self onto the guy that had moved in on his territory, when he noticed the state he was in, no shirt, no hat and hair a total mess. His fury grew, "OK BUSTER START TALKING!"

"Please not so loud Kari's still asleep!" TK whispered, "I was going to ask you, if you would do me the honour of being my best man?"

Davis' expression was priceless, it went from anger to confusion followed by shock then horror "Best man?" he asked in a small voice. That was the last straw TK couldn't keep a straight face any more, his laughter fill the house as he opend the door wide to show Davis the group and a still fully clothed Kari.

"Man that was great! We really had you going for a second!" he said in between fits "Come on in dude, lets have some food! We'll whip up a Ishida and Takaishi special!"


"My lord, we must move quickly, Hope and Light are closer then ever before, and the prophesied events..." the robed man said.

"I know the situation is grave, but we must let it run the course before we interfere, should things look like they are moving to fast we shall assit the digidestined. But until then let leave them be."

"But my lord!"

"No Gennai! I know you care for TK and Kari, I do aswell, but if we help to soon the consequences could be disastrous. Now go finish translating the text. It may yet reveal how we stop this evil."

"Yes my lord," Gennai turned and left the chamber of light.

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