Chapter 4: Tai's Folly

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"Come on Izzy! Spill! We want details!" laughed Matt, he held computer whiz in a headlock.

"Leggo Ishida! I'm swore to secrecy! Anyway Meems is probably asking about a very cute photo we all got this morning!" Izzy said, straining to release himself. TK and Kari both blushed and looked up at the ceiling

"Meems?! When did you start calling Mimi by her nickname?" Sora demanded, a glint in her eye

"Ah... Well..." Izzy stuttered, a redness rising to his cheeks.

"Ah ha!" Tai Grinned "You admit it then!"

"Well I suppose that she does have a certain beauty and grace about her.."

"OK Romeo! Lets not break into poetry here!" groaned Tai.

"And what's wrong with poetry, may I ask?" asked an irate Sora

"Nothing, if you like that mushy stuff!"

"Mushy stuff!-"

TK tapped Davis on the shoulder, "Hey, can I talk to you? About last night, privately?"

Davis led the way to the balcony, sliding the door behind TK, "what, do you want to rub it in? Have a good laugh at Davis because Kari likes you more then him!" Davis spat his anger rising.

TK raised his hands in defence "Davis, I don't want to do that, I want to apologise for this morning, it was wrong, I know, but it was too good an opportunity to resist,"

Davis surprised the blonde, with a snicker "yeah ,that was pretty funny..."

"And nothing happened last night. Kari was upset and I felt like she needed the company, you understand right?"

Davis looked a little reluctant " Yeah I guess... I'm glad someone was here for her, Even if it was you TC."

"It's TK! Wait Davis, you think Kari likes me more than you?"

"well maybe, It's just the way she looks at you, like she's totally safe when your around..."

"Really? Well we're just friends okay? I don't want this to split the team up.."

"Sure, whatever, come on were missing out on the fun!" The pair headed back inside to find an aggravated Tai and Sora, nearly nose-to-nose, yelling at each other.

"You big-haired, goggle-headed, insensitive monkey!"

"I'm a Monkey?! That's rich, coming from a bird-brained airhead!"

"Too far..." muttered Matt. He was right, Sora looked like she was about to cry, grabbing her bag she ran for the door and fled the Apartment. The first sobs could be heard as the door slammed. Tai just stood stupid, staring at the door.


Suddenly Tai was half-way across the room clutching his face. Matt's fist still occupied the spot where the Chosen of Courage used to be.

"Nice going jackass," he murmured. Seeing Tai unmoving still, hand to his face. "Well? Aren't you going after her? Or do you want me to beat more sense into you?!" shaking his fist threatenly

"Right.." Tai said distantly, before bolting after the missing red-head.

It was quiet in the Kayami flat for a minute or so, until both Izzy and Matt started chuckling, before laughing heartily.

"I wonder how long before those two realise how they feel?" Matt sighed

"I'm just imagining Tai antics trying to cheer Sora up!" replied younger boy.

"Well it shouldn't be too long," piped up Kari, now laughing along with Matt and Izzy.

The rest of the morning was spent discussing the Chosen of Love and Courage.

Cherry blossoms danced on the light breeze, Children played with their friends and upon a bench was Sora, eyes still puffy from crying , staring at the sky. A gentle voice broke her thoughts, a voice she had known for years, "So how should I cut my hair?" Tai asked nervously

"How would I, a Bird-Brained, Airhead know?" she replied coldly

"Sora, you are many things, but a bird-brained air head isn't one of them,"

"What am I then?" Sora snapped

"Kind, passionate, caring, intelligent and beautiful,"

"Oh Tai.." Sora looked like she was going to cry again,

"Hey! No more tears alright?" Tai pulled her into a hug and gently stroked her hair "now where should this Monkey take you for lunch?"

Sora giggled "How about the Café? And for the record, I like monkeys, their cute and funny.." she broke away and walked towards the Park Cafe. Tai just stared after her, before following after a moment.

Dark Ocean

"With the Tyrants' work nearly complete, its time to remove the only ones who could stop me, and then power of Yin shall be mine to command!"

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