Chapter 12: Battle against the Beast

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Nefertimon twisted into another bombing run her Rosetta Stone slamming into Krimeramons' skull. The beast sent a plasma ball her way, but a Salvo of missiles from Magnamon deflected the worst of the blast. Digmon sent Volley after volley of Drill-Missiles, Each slamming into the beast, while Shurimon became a spinning ball of blades and throwing knives, exploiting any weakness he could find. Stingmon and Magnamon, the Heavyiest hitters did most of the damage, Both of them covering the others attacks and retreats with powerful kicks and swipes..

Their opponent was getting visibly angrier by the second, its bellows of hatred shook their bones. The warriors all knew that soon it would make a decisive mistake, a point when is own fury would be it downfall. The moment came when a Drill-missile made a crack in the helmet it wore.

Cody, hid eyes darting around. Absorbing the battle was the first to spot it and their chance, "EVERYONE ATTACK THE HELMET! COMBINE YOUR ATTACKS TOGETHER! GO FOR IT!"

Stingmon quickly drove his sword into the fissure and twisted, prising open the crack even more. "STING STRIKE!"

Next barrage of Drills, Stones and Shuriken caused the already weakend helmet to shatter with a sickening CRACK!, pieces of bone exploding outward, forcing the Digidestined to cover their eyes themselves.

Suddenly Magnamon began to glow, the intensity rising as he drew power, the light growing until the destined had to shield their eyes from the a golden light, "BY THE POWER OF MIRACLES! MANGA EXPLOSION!" A wave of Radiant energy exploded from the golden Digimon.

The beast howled in intense pain, its now naked head warping under the overwhelming pressure, but its dying roar was cut short as its body crashed into the ruins of the base with a nauseating finality.

A moment passed, then two... the silence was thick and heavy it seemed to go on forever until... "WAAAHOOO! YEAH! WE DID IT!" Davis, unsurprisingly, leapt up and down like a maniac.

Cody stared at his leader with a look of disbelief and embarrassment, before bursting out laughing.

Yolie placed her hand on Kens' shoulder, he shied away from the contact, staring at the remains of his alter ego.

The Digimon, now reverted to their rookie forms where congratulating each other and gathered around wormmon, praising the insectoid digimon for his actions.

"you where awesome out there Wormdude!" shouted veemon

"indeed" Hawkmon confirmed "magnificent swordsmanship!" Armadilliomons drawling laughter mirrored his partners, both astonished by the scene

Only Gatomon was not in a jubilant mood, she raced to Kari's side, the girls face pale and clammy perfectly still, Abruptly Kari collapsed a blood curdling scream issuing forth. Clutching at her head Kari began to sob, tears of pain rolling down her cheeks. Davis lept to her side, but was hesitant to touch her, his voice broken with concern "Kari? Kari, what is it? Whats wrong?"

"Not again..." the sobbing girl whispered, "not there... I won't go back! Not again!"

"oh but you will Hikari Yagami, sooner or later you will return to my domain..." boomed a malicious demonic voice, what they had presumed was dust from krimeramon's defeat slowly began to merge, twisting and rising, casting a shadow in the shape of a winged deamon, "AND THEN THE WORLDS WILL CRUMBLE BEFORE MY POWER!" Strong winds blew as it bellowed itsfigure dissolved.

Real world, 2 hours after Tai's discovery.

Tai paced, he had been pacing for a while now. He was sure that the nursing staff where starting to get annoyed, but he didn't care. 2 hours ago he had found his Best friend beaten half to death, fervently whispering a warning. A warning that sent a chill rippling through Tai.

If TK is here in the Real world, its trouble for all of us.

The waiting room door opened Mimi and Izzy entering. Mimi's eyes where red and her face pale. Izzy just looked distant. "What's the word?" he asked

"Doc said several fractures a concussion and a couple of other things I can't pronounce. his parents are in there with him," Tai shook his head in slow disbelief

Izzy sighed, he dropped into a chair next to Mimi, and slowly rubbed his temples "First TK, now Matt, I can't imagine how their feeling."

" What happened Iz? How could TK do that to his own brother?"

"T.K couldn't. Its just not possibile. Gennai and I have suspected that something other then the dark crest has a hold of TK."

"you mean he's possessed?" confusion swept over Tai's features as he processed the idea "are you sure?"

"It is a distinct possibility, but If we're correct what ever was controlling TK during the attack, it can only do so for a short time. Otherwise Davis and Kari might not have escaped before..." Izzy stopped as he reached for Mimi's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Again the door opened, this time Joe entered. He had been Interning at the hospital as part of his Medical Degree and was on duty when Matt was brought in. "Hey, just spoke with the doctor and Mr and Mrs Tasheki, looks like Matt will be awake soon, anyword from the others?"

Izzy Flipped open his D-terminal and absentmindedly thumbed through the menus. "Nothing new, but it seems the interference is dying down. That can only be a good sign."

"well I hope kens worth it. I not sure we can fully trust him"

Mimi looked up at Tai her watery eyes meeting his brown ones "Tai, It doesn't matter if we trust him or not. If the kids can break the Dark Crests hold on him, it'll be enough. We need to know that we can bring him back..." she looked away again.

Tai sighed, turning back to the window looking onto Matts room. Tai leaned against the glass, watching his best friend. "We can hope Meems, We can hope."

Inside Matt stirred his eyes slowly opened.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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