Chapter 9: Search for the Sixth

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Dark Ocean

"This is Intolerable! How can the boy just leave!, he had them in his grasp and he Lleft! HOW! Unless... there still good in him. Ahhh yes, the fire of hope still burns in TK, fighting me for control of his body... well no matter I have other ways of getting what I need... the rift will soon be open..."

He yelled for one of his minions. "Arrukenimon!"

A tall white haired woman entered the dark ones new throne room. a red dress shrouded her lithe frame, violet sunglasses hid her eyes. When she spoke it seemed like a cross between a purring cat and the hiss of a snake "yes master?"

"go, use your power and Crush the digidestined, stall them until the boy is ready to deal the final blow!"

"Of course master, I live to serve." the woman slinked out of the chamber and shimmered into the digital world.

As The midday sun beat down, a breeze blew across the desert. Sand whirled into the air and cascaded into the eyes of four weary travellers.

"Are we there yet?" whined the boy with goggles over his eyes.

"Davis, Kens base could be anywhere in this desert!" snapped Yolei "i don't understand what we need him for anyway..."

"Yolei I hate this as much as you do, but with TJ trying to kill us we need all the help we can get," Davis replied and immediately regretted it, Kari stopped her shoulders shaking in silent sobs. Cody went to her side "don't worry, we'll get him back, I know it."

Yolei slapped Davis upside the head "Idiot," she muttered.

The new digidestined, with the help of Izzy and Gennai had found the region that kens base was, unfortunately they had to search by foot. "if this sandstorm gets any worse we'll have to turn back!" yelled Cody

"Wait! I think I see a cave up a head! Lets wait there until the storm passes!" Replied the red haired boy. Davis dashed off into the sand clouds, Veemon gripped in his arms. Soon followed by the rest.

Sitting on the edge of the cave, the digidestend were quiet. They were all a bit, taken aback by recent events, TK turning evil, the discovery of the dark crests, and now they had to find away to get through to Ken, their arch enemy, if they had any hope of saving the digital world.

Davis stared at the girl he unsuccessfully wooed. he took a deep breath and quietly spoke, "Kari, I'm sorry about what I said about TC, but we have to face the facts... He's not on our side any more, he tried to kill me and he would have taken you to his 'master'!"

Kari glanced up, a stoic look in her eyes "Your right Davis, he would have done those things. but that wasn't TK, a least not in mind. I know TK, even when he was sad he never wanted to hurt anyone. He also stopped and left us to escape. Why? Because the real TK is in there somewhere..." he head dropped closing those crimsoin eyes, unconsciously she brought her hands together as if in prayer, "he has to be..." she whispered

An hour passed but the storm didn't seem to let up at all.. Worse still, the storm interfered with the D-terminals, stopping them from E-mailing the older kids for help.

"Hey Cody?" asked Armadillomon from further into the cave "how many caves have metal walls? And floors? And ceilings?"

Cody stood and headed deeper into the cave, he paused in wonder when the sandy crunch of his footfalls changed into the distintive ring of metal. "guys! I think we found it..."

"Well lets go! The quicker we find ken the quicker we can kick nine shades of stuffing out of him!" Davis yelled and bolted down the tunnel.

"Wait for me Davish!" yelled Veemon

"Not again... Davis! wait of us!" yelled Yolei, the children chased after their leader. Soon they reached an intersection, "left or right?" Davis asked scratching his head.

"Did we bring a map?" asked Veemon stupidly, Hawkmon fluttered to the front of the group, "Well traditionally left is the way to the centre of the maze... what do you think Yolei?" the Digimon turned to where his partner stood, only to find her missing,"Yolei! Where are you!?"

Hanging in a suspended cage, Yolei sat on the floor,glaring down at her captor..

"well, well, well said the spider to the fly... when I set out to capture on of you I didn't think I trap one so pleasing to the eye..." the Emperor turned his attention to the screens watch her friends "and now the real fun begins..."

The digidestined are dropping like flies! What has Ken got planned? Will Yolei escape, What will Arrukenimon do? And where is TK in all of this? Find out next time on Digimon: In The Defence of Love... Next Time: The Fall of Tyranny

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