Chapter 3: Shadow on the Horizon

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Davis fidgeted, seated between Tai and Matt, he was unhappy with TK's sitting next to Kari. He didn't like the fact the the blond was good friends with her. He especially hated the fact TK spent a cosy night cuddled up to Davis's girl!

"You'll stop moving if you know whats good for you," growled Matt to Davis's left, Matt had a blank expression on his face, his eyes closed.

"So what happened last night?" probed a grinning Sora,

"Nothing happened..." started Kari, but after seeing Davis's look of relief she went on "apart from TK making a wonderful dinner by candlelight, then curling up on the sofa to watch a movie."

"Sound's romantic." Sora said dreamily, Davis looked like he was going to faint.

"Yeah it really was!" piped up Patamon

"TK knows how to look after a girl!" purred Gatomon

By now TK was getting rather red "It was nothing really!" he protested "I was just making sure Kari was OK! After what happened I didn't want to see her upset!"

"What did happen yesterday?" Tai asked. A saddened look appeared on Kari's face

"Darkness..." she whispered "I was taken to a place of pure darkness, there was little light and an infinite sadness that filled the air."

It took about half an hour but eventually the whole story was told. Even Davis was quiet throughout the tale.

"I guess if it wasn't for TK, I'd be still there, trapped and alone..." Kari spoke in little more than a whisper. Her eyes welled up, and she sniffled a little. As though the memory of the place was hurting her.

"Hey it's alright now okay? Your not trapped and your not alone, I'm- I mean we're here," TK said softly, wrapping an arm around Kari's shoulders, both of them, blushing slightly but neither willing to break contact. Matt smiled, winking at Tai and Sora before glancing at Davis.

Davis was looking like a kicked puppy, Why is Tai letting TJ get away with that! If it were me I'd be hanging from the ceiling by now!! he thought. But he saw how Kari seemed comfortable and calmed down. He may not like TK, but Davis couldn't deny that TK was good to Kari.

The door bell rang loudly throughout the apartment.

"I'll get it! It's probably Izzy!" said Tai.

It was Izzy, he had come prepared for the saturday stratagem meeting. He set up his laptop, connected to the Net and brought up the map of the Digiworld.

"I think we should concentrate on the North-East sectors this week." he began, "What with Ken trying to recoup his losses in the South-West, he leaves this area unguarded. There's about 350 Spires in that area so if we knock down about 50 a day the North-East should be clear in by the end of the week."

"Sounds good Izzy! But what about the Digimon in the south east, won't they get caught again?" asked Kari nervously

"That's a possibility but with Agumon and Tentomon providing evacuation routes we might be able to save 99 of the population." he replied "Sadly the 1 who might be captured are probably the ones who put up a fight."

The meeting carried on for about 10 minutes before Tai asked to speak with the Genius alone.

In the kitchen Tai put his serious face on "Iz, is it possible that the barriers between the worlds are weaker then we thought?"

"That's highly unlikely but, there maybe a chance, why?"

Tai Explained what happened to Kari, how she and TK were able to get to the Digiworld without a portal.

"Hmmm, your worried that Ken may find out and use this as a chance to conquer both worlds," Izzy mused "Well I'll talk to Gennai, if i can find him, and ask him about it, but we should concentrate on keeping Ken in the Digiworld. That way he may never find out about the weaker barriers."

"HEY Izzy! You've got an E-mail from Mimi!" called Sora, after a brief Pause "Wow! You've had a lot of E-mail from Mimi recently! I knew something was going on with her!"

Izzy was bright red and rubbing the back of his head nervously, "heh-heh! Umm... Coming!"

Tai did nothing but grin, Our Genius is growing up!


Gennai Sat hunched over a small table. Upon the table was a stone tablet and several scrolls. He muttered the words he just translated.

The darkest hour approaches,
First Evil returns,
Hope will be lost to Despair,
The Sacrifice for love,
Yin's power will rise,
And darkness will cover the worlds...

The rest was unfinished, but the words he had been able to make out spoke of unity and new power. He hoped a solution was within the text, else all was lost.

Dark Ocean

"The board is set, the pieces are in place, and now the Game Begins... how will the digidestined cope, I wonder, when Hope is taken from them?" an evil voice murmured in the dark waters. It began to laugh, quietly a first, but slowly growing to a hysterical cackle...

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