A new Orca

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Glen and Annie came out Willy hugged them and told them I have to stay at the police station until they get Christina you guys can wait if you want. They sat down and started talking to Willy he explained everything and they were disappointed he learned never to do that again. Christina eyes started closing Tommy and the boys came back and opened the door she fell on the ground. He smirked then the door opened and the police came out and arrested all the kids. They went in the back of the police car Nina saw Christina and picked her up she carried her to the ambulance.

Mike banged the door open and Joe told her Jasmine hide in the closet now and don't come out or make a sound. She nodded and closed the closet Joe started shooting and the police knocked him down he gave up and they took him away. Mike was going to leave but he saw a stuff dog on the ground he picked it up and went and opened the closet Jasmine started shaking. He told her it's okay I am here to help you come on do I need to come and get you. Jasmine bit her lip and ran to Mike crying he picked her up and took her outside Tommy saw her and smirked.

Willy saw the police bring in the boys then they were put in a jail cell waiting for the police to call their parents. Christina was brought inside the room and Willy smiled everyone left the room so the kids could talk. Christina said "Willy how could you I trusted you I get we got you in trouble but why did you tell the police where we live I will lose my little sister." Jasmine ran inside and hugged Christina smiling and told her sis what is going on I don't understand I thought Tommy told us we would be okay. Nina came inside and told her Jasmine all be taking you somewhere you should say your goodbyes all wait outside alright.

Glen and Annie watched through the window Jasmine hugged Christina and told her sis I don't want to leave you again. Willy felt bad Glen and Annie talked to Nina she nodded and told them Christina said "I know Jasmine I tried to protect you but now I have to go back to my foster family and you have to go to the orphanage because I did take you out of there." Jasmine nodded Nina came inside she told Willy can you go outside for a second Willy I need to talk to the girls about something. He opened the door then Glen and Annie sat down and told Willy the news. He smiled and wondered how Christina would take the news after all Jasmine is her youngest sister.

Christina and Jasmine listened Nina left the room Willy stood up Christina told him look I am going to miss my sister but I am glad she is finally getting a good home bye Willy. She saw the foster parents and followed them outside then they drove away Glen and Annie filled out the paper work. They got in the jeep Jasmine got inside then they showed her the room. Jasmine smiled but then she started crying Willy got a phone call from Kathy he told her he would be right over. Willy went inside Jasmine's room and said "Hey Jasmine I know you are sad about Christina but how would you like to go to Sea World with me to see them Orcas being born?"

Jasmine thought about it and told him okay they both got on their bikes and rode to Sea World Kathy was waiting. Finally she got a text from Willy Kathy opened the gate.

Willy and Jasmine came inside smiling. Kathy said "Come on we are going to miss it hurry." They arrived and Shamu started moving around swimming Willy picked up Jasmine she is six and Willy is ten years old. Jasmine looked and smiled as the new Orca was born Kathy smiled Willy told her she is beautiful what's her name Kathy. She started thinking and looked at Jasmine Kathy told them I know how about Jasmine pick the name what do you say. Jasmine smiled and started thinking she told them um what about Jumper I really like that name. Kathy was going to say that's a boy name but they left it alone since Jasmine still missed her sister. They watched as the Orca's swam around with their new daughter Jumper.

Willy went and started looking at all the Orca's he missed his family so much he came up with an idea. Kathy saw Jasmine watching the Orca's she brought out a bucket of fish Jasmine turned around and smiled she told Kathy hey what's in the bucket. Kathy told her it's fish I am going to teach you how to feed the Orca's it's not that hard but they need to do a trick first. Jasmine nodded Kathy said "Okay first pick up your hand and move it in a circle just two finger's okay." Jasmine tried but the Orca's wouldn't do it she was sad but Kathy told her it's okay watch like this it is a little hard I couldn't do it at first just practice. Kathy held up two fingers and moved it up and down Jasmine saw the Orca's jump and flip in the water and splashed them.

Jasmine laughed Willy came out and told them hey Kathy if you aren't busy I want you to come with Jasmine and me to a whale watch. Kathy smiled and thought about it she told him let me go ask the manager to see if it's okay with him all be right back. Willy told Jasmine hey sis want to see a trick but you have to play the harmonica she nodded and started playing. The Orca's started making a sound Jasmine kept playing Kathy came out and saw what the Orca's were doing and was shocked then smiled.

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