Your older now

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Jasmine thought about it some more and told him Zan I made up my mind and I don't believe you so all just go home bye. He frowned and turned around and turned the movie off Jasmine took his keys and found her bike and rode away back to Zan's house. Willy and Kathy found a closet and opened it Luna was there shaking and holding a bat she stared at them and told them who are you. Kathy picked up Luna and dragged her to the table and tied her down Willy was worried and didn't like that his sister was tied up. Kathy said "Willy I know what you are thinking but I have to tie her up or else she will kick us and something bad will happen." Luna spit in Willy's face he wiped it and shouted let me go now please Zan is wrong about everything you have to believe me I am not a human.

Willy told her I believe you Luna and I know your name because I am your brother it's me Willy. She stared at him and told him no your not you can't foul me okay you work for Zan and he is trying to get me upset. Kathy pulled Willy away and said "Look Willy Jasmine isn't back and I am sure Zan is on his way so we should leave right now whether she likes it or not." He agreed Luna got inside the car Willy and Kathy were talking about something Jasmine rode up and got off her bike. Luna took off the ropes and went up against the wall and grabbed Jasmine and covered her mouth holding a knife. Jasmine struggled a car pulled up and both girls got inside and someone drove away Kathy told Willy they got on their bikes trying to follow the jeep the jeep went faster and they lost the car.

The jeep stopped and Luna got out and left Zan opened the door and Jasmine stared at him afraid for her life. Zan held out his hand Jasmine got up and took his hand and they went inside the building Luna felt bad but she had no choice but to follow his orders. Jasmine was forced to sit down and wait she turned around and saw a huge tank then she heard something in the water. All the lights were off Jasmine walked around and saw a dark shadow she turned around and found the door and opened it. Jasmine saw something in the water and stared a Orca came out and jumped out and splashed her she scooted back and hid. The Orca looked at her Jasmine got up and smiled Max stared at her and threw a fish at her she ducked and Max opened his mouth wanting the fish. Jasmine was going to throw the fish inside but then she heard the gates open and Max swam away.

Another Orca swam out and Jasmine was about to throw the fish in it's mouth but Zan grabbed it and pulled her back. Jasmine stared at him and he said "Jasmine princess what were you thinking that Orca could of killed you I told you already you can't trust them ever understand come on and stay away from them." Jasmine watched as Zan left she turned around and the Orca's swam around jumping and swimming around looking at her. Willy and Kathy went to the police station and waited finally a lady told them alright fill out this paper and then wait outside to be called. They sat down and filled out the paper's then put it on the counter and waited Jasmine went in the door and sat down thinking. Luna knocked on the door and sat down and said "Look Jasmine I am sorry that I had to kidnap you I am scared Zan has my mother with these people and I have to do what he want's."

Jasmine decided to ask her why Luna explained that she couldn't find her brother and that she didn't know what else to do. Kathy and Willy went inside the room and explained to the police what happened they were shocked and wrote down everything. Luna left the room Zan and his boys were smoking he told her so how is our guest Luna is she starting to agree with us. Luna got a soda and said "First of all I don't believe what you say about Orca's and second she is upset about us kidnapping her and Jasmine won't listen so just leave it alone alright." The boys surrounded her and Zan grabbed her arm and pushed her on the couch and whispered in her ear. He said "Your mother is still with my boys and for her to stay alive I suggest you do what I say now take that soda to Jasmine and then come in my room understand." She got up and Zan slapped her but and told her don't take too long your eighteen now and it's time you learn what happens when your that age.

Luna left the room and started crying tears went down her cheek and she went outside thinking then she saw nets in the water. Jasmine watched outside her window and started saying a spell all the lights went out and the nets landed on the sand and little spot swam up to the shore. Luna smiled and got on him and he swam away Zan opened the door and Jasmine closed her window. Zan opened it and put Jasmine on his lap and opened the soda and put a straw in it smiling. He put it to her lips she drank from it and he started telling her the same story about the Orca and rubbed her arms. Jasmine got up and told him what are you doing Zan got up and said "I wanted to give you this it's a folder that you need to see go on open it I won't even look."

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