Shes alive

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Kathy started typing again and said "Ok here it is Jesse died from getting attacked by an Orca then his wife Nadine died from a gun shot." Willy looked at the writing and told her that makes no since Jesse is alive. Kathy kept typing and told him I can't find anything else Willy.

Willy started thinking Jasmine woke up in a room she looked outside and saw the ocean. Zan came inside and said "Hey Jasmine I know you use to like Orcas but your hiding something from me I don't like liars." Jasmine scooted back and told him I don't know what your talking about.

Zan laughed and threw the letter on the ground Jasmine stared at it. He told her it's from Willy and Kathy telling you the plan is working but we don't want your help anymore. Jasmine was sad then upset and told him fine all join your side.

Corey came outside on the boat with Jasmine. They arrived on the land and saw buildings. Corey told her just stay close these people might ask too many questions. She nodded and they went inside the elevator. He started kissing her she struggled.

It started going up then Jasmine pulled away. The elevator stopped and opened. Jasmine came out and saw Orca's stuffed on the wall. She felt bad then she screamed Corey ran to her. Jasmine saw a boy hanging on the wall dead.

Lex came over and told her that's what happens when you turn on us. Jasmine nodded and said good to know um can I have a drink of water. He smirked and told her your part of our group, you can have whatever you want.

Corey pulled out a cigarette and smoked it. His friends came inside and started smoking too. James said "Want a cigarette Jasmine it does help to get rid of the stress."

Jasmine stared at it and told him no thank you I don't smoke. He told her right your too young just try it. She bit her lip Corey told him leave her alone bro. He told him fine come on guys Corey's girlfriend needs to be alone.

They walked away laughing Jasmine sat down. Corey told her sorry Jasmine I um didn't know they were here. She nodded and felt comfortable. They all went outside she stared at the ocean.

Jasmine saw dolphins jumping around and swimming with their young, she started to imagine what Jessie did with Willy.

Corey told her I know your having second thoughts Jasmine but we don't like people who turn on us. Jasmine said "Um I was thinking about Jessie and why he saved an Orca that he didn't even know." Corey stared at her and said "That makes sense Jasmine no one really knows the story about Jessie except his daughter isn't that right Zenna.

Jasmine stared at him confused he told her oh you don't remember I understand that makes since. She said "How does that make since I don't know who you are and my sister is dead and I blame Willy everything is his fault."

Corey told her no your sister Christina is evil it is good she is gone, but that's impossible that she died. Jasmine told him this isn't a game Corey my sister is not evil, and I don't know who this girl Zenna is that your talking about. Corey was about to explain but the other boys came out and threw cans on the ground.

Jasmine said "Corey what are they doing that can ruin the ocean and the creatures will die Corey do something."

Zan came out and told her oh shut up Jasmine you joined us and we don't care about ocean creatures now open them.

She was shocked and opened some cans then Jasmine poured them out. Zan and the other boys did the same thing and oil came out of the cans.

Jasmine and Corey put on the equipment and jumped into the ocean. They started swimming and Jasmine saw a dolphin struggling in a net.

The dolphin jumped around Jasmine made sure no one was looking and pulled out a knife. Corey watched Jasmine cut the net and the dolphin swam away fast and left. Willy and Kathy arrived at the jail cell and looked through the files. The police shouted hey get out of here Willy and Kathy took off running a shelf fell on her. Kathy couldn't get up Willy told her I won't leave you Kathy please. She told him no go Willy all be fine you need to know the truth about everything I know who you are.

Willy was shocked and took off running the police came and arrested Kathy they dragged her inside. Clark came out and sat down on the chair and said "Alright I talked to your parents they are coming to get you but why where you here." She bit her lip and told him I was just looking around is there a problem with doing that. Clark smirked and told her your parents are outside come on all walk you. Kathy nodded and got inside the police car they drove behind an alley.

Clark smiled and they got out Kathy told him my family is coming here I don't believe you. Kathy took off running a van pulled up and a man grabbed her and drove off. Willy started thinking about who knew him as an orca then he turned on the news. The new lady said "We are looking for a girl her name is Kathy she is a terrorist and her real name we don't know."

Willy was shocked and found her picture and put it inside the computer. He started typing on the laptop and found a picture of a girl he knew before. The computer started searching for missing persons. The matching started then it stopped Willy saw the picture. He was shocked Willy thought he would never see that girl again.

Willy didn't know what to do Kathy struggled on the chair shaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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