Spell gone wrong

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Jasmine thought about it and agreed they went to the beach then they rode their bikes somewhere farther. Finally they stopped their bikes Jasmine stared at the ocean Jessie played the harmonica then Orca's came out of the ocean jumping around she smiled. Willy jumped inside and Jasmine ran down the rocks and watched the Orca's were talking to him she didn't understand how he could understand them. Bella felt bad and wanted to help Willy she said a spell and the ocean started moving then Jasmine fell as the Orca's were talking to each other. Jasmine started screaming Willy got out of the ocean and ran to her she kept screaming seeing everything Willy went through and what happened.

Jasmine blacked out then she woke up and stared at Willy he told her are you okay she told him yeah but you should be in the ocean. He told her what are you talking about Jasmine explained and Willy was shocked and happy at the same time. They went home Kathy called them and Willy went and started working Jasmine finally started kindergarten but she had to do something first. Jasmine went to Sea World and saw Willy and Kathy talking together she knew that he wanted Kathy to know his secret so she had an idea. Kathy said "So Willy what was your life like before you were a orphan did you have parents if it's okay if I ask."

Willy thought about it and told her actually I do have a family but they don't live on the shore like you humans do. Kathy frowned and told him what are you talking about Jasmine had to help Willy now she said a spell and the sky turned dark. She smiled hoping the spell worked Kathy and Willy looked up and wondered what was going on then a storm started. It started raining hard and it wouldn't stop Willy and Kathy went inside the building then a twister came and went faster. Jasmine watched her eyes turned white and said "The spell I have done to the Orca reverse what was done and turn the human back into a whale wind of the storm hear my power and do as I command." She kept repeating it purple magic came out of her and flew around in a circle.

Kathy told him hey Willy look out there what is that purple stuff in the air it looks strange hurry you will miss it. Willy looked and froze he knew that magic dust and knew this can't be good but he wondered what Zan did this time and hoped it isn't his family. The magic dust reached the Orca's Luna and Little spot Willy's brother and sister were jumping around in the ocean. Little spot saw a fish swimming away fast Luna watched as her brother swam after it fast. Luna's mother swam up to her daughter and was worried about her son because she already lost her son Willy. They swam to the top with the j-pod the dust went on Willy's mother and sister then they flew to the sky and landed on the ground Zan saw and smirked.

Luna and her mother looked around afraid Zan watched them as they walked by the fish store and waited. Luna was hungry and grabbed a fish the mother took it and told her Luna this fish is for our whole pod we can't be selfish all get more you wait out there. She nodded and waited outside Zan went up to Luna she was staring at her arm then she looked in the mirror. Zan said "Hello there you must be Luna your brother Willy told me so much about you I can bring you to him." Luna smiled and told him really my mommy and I been worried about him all wait here to tell my mommy. Zan nodded he looked inside and saw Willy's mother put fish in her shirt and jeans he knew what to do.

Zan ran inside and told them sir that lady is stealing fish the cop heard and tackled her down she struggled. He cuffed her hands together in the back and put her in the back of the police car Luna ran to the police car but Zan held her back the cop said "Take your daughter home sir she shouldn't be out here all alone she can be taken away there is a lot of kidnapping going on these days." Luna was confused the cop got inside the car and drove away tears went down her cheek she didn't know what to do. Zan picked her up and carried her to the jeep and put her inside and closed the door he told her I know you are scared Luna but trust me all take good care of you don't worry.

Luna nodded and looked out the window she could see the ocean as they drove away they arrived at the house. Zan picked up Luna she was asleep he put her down on the bed and then locked the door Little spot finally found his sister since they lived by the beach. The storm finally stopped and Willy and Kathy came out it was a mess Jasmine's eyes turned back to normal and was shocked. Everyone started cleaning up the front of Sea World Kathy started picking up the trees that landed in the water she frowned and jumped inside. Willy watched Kathy swam under the water and Willy joined her smiling and laughing the Orca's were swimming around them.

Jasmine frowned when Willy didn't turn into a Orca she had an idea she tried another spell but Willy was outside the water just like Kathy as they were talking Jasmine thought of an idea. Willy stood up and was about to say something Jasmine ran out and pushed him inside the water. Kathy was shocked and told her Jasmine what is wrong with you she told her Kathy calm down and look. Kathy frowned and looked a Orca swam up to her she was shocked she told her who is that. Jasmine said "That Orca is Willy he turned because I tried to fix his problem but it backed fired and now he only turns into an Orca if he is in the water you have to believe me."

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