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**Song: Dirty Laundry by Blackbear.

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"Call me right away if anything happens. Got it?"

"We know, Brandon. Now go before you are late." I replied to my worried brother, ready to shove him out the door.

"I love you both." He murmured as he kissed my head and then Anna's before grabbing his bag off of the floor and stepping out of the apartment.

"We love you too. Drive safe!" Anna smiled, closing the door behind him and sighing in relief. "I thought he would never leave."

I laughed and helped her sit back down on the couch before grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge.

"Movie marathon?" I asked, handing one of the bottles to her and sitting down.

"Like I'd say no to that." She rubbed her hands together in anticipation.

"Have you ever watched Roman Holiday?" I asked, going to my Amazon video account on the tv.

"That's the one with Audrey, right?" She asked, and I confirmed with a hum. "I haven't, actually. We should watch it."

"Yes! You'll love it." I tell her as I open my list and press play on Roman Holiday.

Around twenty minutes in, I got up to microwave some popcorn for Anna while I stuck with a protein bar since I still wasn't allowed to chew on anything too crunchy.

Sadly, Brandon took Leo back to Anna's roommate last night the moment I started sneezing so I felt a little bad about that, but she promised it was fine and that she was sorry for triggering my allergies.

Being allergic to cats is the same as being lactose intolerant. I know my body will react badly but I still choose to put myself through it because I don't care.

After Roman Holiday, we agreed on Funny Face, which was another Audrey movie. I started to become obsessed with Audrey Hepburn a few years ago when I was told I looked like her, which is a huge compliment in my opinion.

Anna got up to use the bathroom around halfway through the movie, but once she came out of the bathroom, I heard the panic in her voice.


"What's wrong?" I asked, pausing the movie and standing up to see her stood frozen next to the bathroom door and a small puddle beneath her feet.

"I think my water broke."

"Oh my god." My heart jumped, and I felt myself begin to feel apprehensive because my car was at the shop and I had no way of getting her to the hospital.

"Oh my god." She repeated, before letting out a groan. "You've done this before, right? What do I do?"

"I don't know, I never made it that far!" I panicked, grabbing her hands and leading her towards the door.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I forgot." She cried out in pain while I tried coaxing her to breath along with me.

"It's fine. Where's my phone?" I breathed, letting her of her hands for a second to grab it from the couch, quickly calling one of the guys since Riley was at work.

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