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***Song: Adore You by Harry Styles

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"You are not going dressed like that."

I look down at the black cardigan, grey shirt, and mom jeans I was wearing, not seeing the issue with my outfit.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I asked Riley in confusion.

"You can't wear that on a date!" She exclaimed, dragging me away from our friends in the living room to her bedroom closet.

"It's just lunch. Why do I have to get all dressed up?" I groaned, turning my head and look at Nick with a begging stare for help.

"To impress him!" Riley exclaimed.

"Adam has seen me with no makeup, messy hair, and in a pair of sweatpants for an entire semester. I think this outfit is impressive enough."

"Where are you guys even going?" Nick asked me, not coming to my rescue.

"Insomnia." I responded with a huff, watching as Riley shuffled through her clothes. "I'm not changing, Riley."

She stopped going through her clothes and walked out of the closet. "Why not?" She whined as I walked out of her room.

"Because I look fine. It's a lunch date, not a fancy dinner." I tried to explain for her to understand, walking past the living room and grabbing my bag from next to Harry on the couch.

"Don't worry about them. I think you look beautiful." Harry says quietly to me before I was too far to hear him. He was grinning cutely as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze, and I was too in shock to speak. So I shot him a smile and quickly turned my head so he didn't see my face heat up. He's still the only guy who can make me turn into the color of a tomato.

"Still doesn't hurt to dress to impress." Nick sang in my ear as I started walking away. I lift my hand and push his face away from me while he laughed.

"Goodbye." I say to them as I walk out.

"Use a condom!" Nick shouted. I flip him off before closing the door behind me.

When I got into the elevator, I sent Adam a text saying I was on my way down.

Once I got to the parking garage, I spotted his car right at the front waiting for me. He sees me through the window and unlocks the door with a smile on his face.

"Madison Butera. You get more and more gorgeous every time I see you." Adam compliments as I get into his car.

"You think so?" I ask, another question popping into my mind. "Be honest. What do you think of my outfit?"

He scanned my body for a moment before nodding in approval. "It's very nice. Definite upgrade from sweats and a hoodie." He teased.

I roll my eyes playfully. "That's what I told Riley."

He smiled before putting the car in drive. "Why do you ask?"

"Riley told me my outfit was not appropriate enough for going out on a lunch date." I answered.

"Tell her that I said even in sweats and a hoodie, you look beautiful." He replied, keeping his eyes on the road.

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