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***Song: Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet

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I can tell my words got to Maddie's head.

Now all I had to do was talk to Harry, which would be a lot harder considering he is more stubborn than Maddie is.

"Hey, Haz. What are you doing?" I asked enthusiastically, leaning against his door frame. He was sat on his bed with his camera in his hands, plugging it into the laptop in front of him. He looks up at me and I almost jump back because he did not look like himself.

He looked exhausted.

"Working." He answered plainly before looking down at his camera and turning it on. .

"You alright?" I asked, dropping the happy act and becoming more concerned while I invited myself into his room and sat on his bed.

He put his camera down and let out a long sigh. "Do I look alright, Zayn?"

"No. You look like shit." I bluntly answered, earning a glare from him.

"Nick already gave me a pep talk earlier today. I'm fine." He says sharply.

"Yeah. And I'm a world famous artist. Cut the bullshit, Harry. We all can see that you and Madison are miserable." I scoffed.

Harry clenched his jaw and his shoulders tensed up. "You don't know anything."

"Oh, so you aren't hiding from the world because you made out with your ex?" I argued. Harry stayed silent and avoided looking at me, not even bothering to ask how I knew that. "Boo fuckin hoo. Two single adults kissed each other. Get the fuck over it and talk to her already."

Harry obviously didn't expect me to call him out on his shit. He was staring at me with wide eyes, but had yet to deny that I had a point.

"I know Maddie isn't all that innocent either since it takes two to fucking tango, but she's at least doing the mature thing by trying to talk to you while you're busy running away like a bitch - excuse my language." I cursed at him.

"Don't call me bitch." He says offensively.

"Then stop acting like one. When Maddie gets back from training, you better talk to her." I tell him sternly.

He stayed silent, fiddling with the wire between his fingers that connected the camera to his computer with a deep frown on his face.

"Woman prefer a smiling man over a frowning one." I tell him, reaching over and lifting his cheeks up with my thumbs.

He pushes my hands away aggressively as I let out a chuckle, failing to get him to smile.

"What's holding you back, mate?" I asked him quietly, trying to sympathize with him.

Harry sighed, setting the camera down and shrugging. "I don't know anymore. I don't think she wants to be with my like that again."

I almost snorted when he said that, knowing that Maddie told me the exact opposite just this afternoon. "For Christ's sake, mate. You two frenched and you are still doubting how she feels about you? She wouldn't have let it happen if she didn't still have feeling for you."

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