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***Song: Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth

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"So you and Harry are back together now?"

I look away from the baggage carousel and to my left, seeing my brother now standing next to me.

"No." I answered tiredly. I probably got three hours total of sleep on the flight and I was exhausted. I was never really able to sleep too long on planes, so I had a few movies and shoes downloaded on my phone for me to watch.

"Mhm. So that wasn't him asleep in your bed this morning?"

I chewed on the inside of my lip to contain a smile. "It was."

"And I know what you two were doing a few days ago before Anna and I walked in. You could have at least taken it to your room."

I snorted. "Please. Do you know how many times I've walked in on you and Anna doing it in the living room? At least Harry and I were fully clothed."

"Ha! So you admit that you're back together." He pointed at me with a smirk.

"No, we are not." I sighed.

"So what, you are having casual sex with your ex boyfriend now?" He retorted, folding his arms in front of his chest and turning his body to me.

"I would rather not discuss my sex life with my brother." I said in disgust, stepping closer to the carousel to grab my suitcase.
I saw Anna's come around soon after so I grabbed hers too.

"Fine. Just be careful and use protection. If I have to kill him, I will."

"You will not be killing anybody." I rolled my eyes, nodding towards his suitcase. "Grab it and let's go. Zia is outside."

Rolling mine and Anna's suitcases over to where she was sitting with the baby, I made sure Brandon was following.

"Ready?" I asked her. She looked up from staring into the carseat attached to the stroller and nodded.

"Yes, thank you." She smiled, standing up and reaching for her suitcase handle.

"I got it, don't worry." I tell her before I started walking towards passenger pickup.

When we got outside, I searched for a white Range Rover being driven by my aunt. It was nearing five in the morning since the time different between Florence and Toronto was six hours. It was ask a lot warmer here than it was in Canada, and I loved it.

I spot the car pulling up next to the curb and coming to a stop before my aunt hopped out and walked over to us.

"Hello, my loves!" She grinned, pulling me in to a tight hug.

"Hi." I mumbled in her embrace. I haven't seen her in almost a year, so I was going to take advantage of her hugs while I was here.

She pulled back and gave a hug to Brandon, looking over at Anna with a welcoming smile. "You must be Anna. I'm Fiona."

"Nice to finally meet you." Anna says politely, accepting my aunts hug while I popped the trunk and put out suitcases inside.

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