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***Song: West Coast by The Neighbourhood

-Attached is a picture of the house for reference and to help with imagery-

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"Welcome to the house I lived in for the first eighteen years of my life." I announced, opening the front door with my key and allowing Harry to step inside.

The others had gone to Riley's parents' house, which left Harry and I to go to my dad's that was only a few blocks away.

"This is the house you grew up in?" Harry says in awe as he took in the surroundings. Right when you walk in the front door, there is an open living area and to the right was a large office under the stairs - which is my dad's - and The lighting was warm, which gave it a more cozy feeling as nostalgia hit me like a loaded train.


"Wow. I never took you as the snobby rich mean girl in high school type." He teased, earning a gasp from me.

"I wasn't a snobby rich mean girl. I would like to think I was a decent human being." I defended. If anything, I was more of a loner with very few friends. I knew everyone, and everyone knew me, but I only had two close friends: Riley and Nick.

"Your house is massive."

"My parents are lawyers." I justified. They bought it when they were still together, which meant double the income that was able to buy the house I am incredibly grateful to call home.

"That explains it." He understandingly nodded. I shut and lock the front door before my ears perked at the sound of steps coming towards us.

When I spotted a grey Pitbull running towards me, I gasped and bent down. "Baby!" I grinned, allowing him to lick my face as I let his head.

After he finished pestering me with kisses, he moved over to Harry and started sniffing his leg. Harry's reaction was to bend down and let the dog lightly on the head, relaxing when the dog licked his palm and ran away.

"Girl or boy?" He asked, referring to the Pitbull.

"Boy. His name is Baby." I answered.

He raised a brow curiously. "You named your dog Baby?"

"Hey, I was fourteen." I justified, nodding towards the stairs. "Let's take your stuff to the guest room."

Harry grabbed his bag while I grabbed reached to grab mine, but he stopped me. "I've got it." He insisted politely, shocking me when he pressed a kiss to my cheek and began walking towards the stairs. I stood frozen for a couple seconds because he paused and called after me. "Coming?"

"Yeah." I managed to utter, finally ungluing my feet from the wooden floorboards and taking small strides towards him, having him follow me up the stairs and to the guest room. It was a five bedroom house - which I still don't understand why my parents bought it since they only had two kids - and one of the bedrooms was for anyone, since the fourth bedroom belonged to Taylor and City.

As we walked up the stairs, Harry still looked around with his jaw slightly open, looking like a kid in a candy store. He stared over the ledge that looked out over the living area once we reached upstairs, and I just shook my head with a quiet laugh.

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