. : introduction : .

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october 20, 1929.

Yesterday was such an amazing day, it had been your wedding with the man who you met a few years ago. The day when you first arrived to New York, when you had went to the radio station regarding a scandalous report, you met Alastor with his dashing smile and positive attitude despite the Great Depression, easily making everyone's day within the radio station. He immediately captured your attention, his mysterious background and happy go lucky personality on most things.
Talk of other places, to the point where you weren't entirely sure if he was native to New York or not. Which you found out no, he was from New Orleans and moved here.

Well your relationship first started off sweet, slow and now here you were together married.

Your heart swelled at the memories of the beginning of your relationship, and you turned to face the man sitting beside you in the back, dressed in a deep red and looked very handsome. Pride filled in your chest, wondering how you got such a fine man for a husband and you smiled fondly at him. "Oh, Alastor. Isn't it just a beautiful day?" Gesturing outside, as your driver drove down market place that was bustling with life to the theatre to catch a show that both of you were excited to see. From what you heard it was suppose to be quite entertaining if you can trust your coworkers who happen to share the same humour, so it seemed like a best bet that it would be good.

"It is, my dear (Y/N). But nothing can quite compare to you." Alastor answered, you leaned against his shoulder and he melted into your touch and kissed the top of your head.
"What did I do to deserve such a fine husband." You giggled, his arm wrapped around his shoulder and pulling you snug into his side. "I should be asking that, my sweet. Just how did I manage to meet a beautiful dame, not only that but how she became my wife." Alastor hummed in amusement as your face warmed up, resting your head on his shoulder. You didn't say anything more, neither of you needed to but simply enjoyed the company both of you provided to one another.

"We are here." The driver announced, the vehicle pulling to a stop to a large building that very much read theatre. "This is so exciting, I haven't been to a show since I was a child." You announced as you sat up from your husbands side, Alastor chuckled and the driver got out of the drivers seat, opening your husbands side and he exited the vehicle then went around with the driver who then opened the door for you. Your husband held out his hand, grinning. "Now come, our show awaits, my love."

You beamed and took his hand, Alastor thanked the driver and both of you walked up the stairs into the theatre. "Thank you so much, Alastor." You thanked him, smiling brightly at him as this was so exciting. "No need, the least I can do is treat my wife every now and then. And we are still celebrating our honeymoon, are we not?" The brunette smiled back widely, he was just as excited to see this show as you were. Alastor held out his arm, you took it and the radio host guided you down past the gate where the man took your tickets and wished you a goodnight.

Leading you through the crowd of people in the lobby, up the stairs to your seats in the balcony. It cost more but Alastor reassured you it was well worth it, it was the best place with the best view to watch the performances. Alastor sat you down, then taking his seat beside you. "You can see the whole theatre up here." He explained, handing you a pair of binoculars and you couldn't help but giggle then took them. "Thank you so much, Alastor." You took his hand with your free hand, the brunette smiled lovingly at you and let out a small laugh. "You're a doll, dear."

"It's no problem, my sweet. You deserve the world and I will do anything to make sure you're happy and safe."

Thank you for reading! I have a lot of plans for this story and I hope you all continue to read, comment and support me. It shows you enjoy this story, so stay tuned! 🤧💕💗

artist; twitter - cosmicartz

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