Chapter Eight

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"Your husband managed to raise quite a bit of money actually," Daniel announced grandly from where he stood by the counter. He was dressed in a bespoke suit as usual though without a tie and his collar was open just a little.

Melissa could smell his cologne when she neared him. It was subtle, and stirred something inside her the moment she sensed it.

She wondered if Blake had the same reaction?

Turning her eyes upon Daniel, Melissa's jaw set with the most subtle accusation he couldn't pretend not to notice. She knew what Daniel had really meant to say was; 'I have a lot of money and I bought your husband, and now I'm here to gloat about it while I flaunt my sexuality.'

He smirked at her knowingly.

"Were you even at the auction?" She asked smoothly. The only person in the room who didn't know what was really going on here, was Blake.

The least she could do was show her husband how Daniel never actually showed up to do his own dirty work.

"Naturally not," Daniel's eyes sparkled with suppressed mirth. "But I hear there were a certain amount of very thirsty women in the room and I dare say Blake has already had his fair share of scandal, don't you think?" He fenced with equal skill.

"Always looking out for me, hey?" Blake threw him a winning grin, his dimples at their fullest.

"Ever the guardian Angel," Melissa supplied with a genuine expression of warmth toward her husband that she purposely did not share with Daniel.

"It's good business," the businessman responded passively and didn't even blush.

There was no way Blake wasn't picking up on the awkwardness between his wife and boss. His laugh at Melissa's comment and Daniel's response was forced, but only Melissa would notice that. "At least We managed to help raise some coin for charity," he shrugged good naturally.

Melissa held back on reminding her kind hearted husband that his nudes were still circulating online, having not only been photographed by Daniel, but also leaked by the same. Daniel being be able to buy Blake at an auction and use his own scheme as an excuse was such a Daniel Hennessy thing to do.

Melissa looked to her husband who must have felt like a gazelle between a lioness and whatever equal force of predator Daniel was.

Another lioness perhaps?

"So what does your night with Blake Wright entail?" She asked seemingly disinterested but knowing that Daniel would understand this was an interrogation contingency for their previous night's agreement.

He watched her while Blake's back was turned; busily cutting up carrots and cheese and deli meats for a charcuterie board. Daniel shrugged in his sophisticated manner once Blake turned to regard them both again, a new drink for each of them and a bowl of salted crackers. "I don't suppose it matters really, I was paying for it either way."

"Same as last time, wasn't it?" Blake asked casually, "a football game with dinner in the corporate box?"

"Well it's the off season, so I'm sure we can come up with something a little more creative," Daniel suggested sounding about as hopeful as he ever did without actually sounding enthusiastic. "It's all for the PR anyway, have to keep front of mind even if we aren't playing."

Melissa knew him well enough to recognise his ingenuous nonchalance.

"Not too creative, surely?" She scowled at him now as Blake had turned back to the fridge again putting the unused ingredients away. They'd been so caught up in their little duel they hadn't noticed the platter of food he'd slid between them on the bench.

THREE IN THE BED (MxMxF - Book 4 of a Series)Where stories live. Discover now