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Nurmengard, Prison cell

Gellert Grindelwald sat curled as a ball in his cell inside the castle he owned. While the castle itself was massive, it was not home, it was not where his children resided in. It was merely a place where he held most of his meetings. He stared out of the cell window as an owl flew in and gave him a letter. On it, in somewhat childlike handwriting was written 'Gellert Grindelwald, Vati'. Instantly Gellert sat up straighter, opened it with shaking hands and started reading. It was from his youngest daughter, Lilian, his liebling. Upon reading it Gellert felt anger and sadness as he saw the tear stains on the parchment and how Lilian described what had happened so far in her school. His daughter was eleven. How many years had it been since he last saw his precious daughter? 

Gellert cried out in anguish and if anyone happened to be near the castle, they would assume it was an angry spirit that had cried in the dead of the night. There in his cell, laid the greatest Dark Lord of his time, sobbing because of memories lost and memories unseen. He cried because he could never actually be with Albus, he cried because his poor wife loved him while he did not love her back, he cried because his eldest hates her sister, but most importantly he cried because his youngest was experiencing so much without him being there for her. Why did they stop him? Why did they take him from his daughters? Why was his daughter born a squib? Why couldn't he give at least some of his magic to his eldest? Why did homophobia have to be a thing?

No doubt Albus' age was starting to finally catch up on his looks and so was Gellert's. It wouldn't matter if the two loved each other, Gellert was still married to Iris and wouldn't be able to separate from her until she died. But Gellert couldn't just take her from his daughters, they needed a mother. However, Gellert did not regret marrying Iris, because without Iris Gellert wouldn't have two daughters, even if the older one was a squib. Why wouldn't Petunia send him any letters regarding her life? Why hasn't Iris sent him anything about their daughters? Why has no-one allowed his family to visit him? 

"I'm so sorry, Liebling, Mausebär," Gellert whispered, voice rough from years of disuse and tears.



Lilian sat in the great hall, silently she listened to the whispers around her. Someone had told everyone how Peter almost died and the majority was blaming Lilian, despite it being Nott who did it. 

"Grindelwald has brought us nothing but harm." 

"She's a monster!" 

"How could she do that to Peter?" 

"It was Nott who did it though." 

"Yeah, Nott did try to AK her.." 


Lilian tried not to sob in the middle of all of the whispers, she wanted to scream and cry but knew she couldn't do it. She couldn't cry when there were so many potential enemies who would find her moment of weakness useful. Quietly, Remus, Sirius and James led Lilian away from the hall. Lilian shadowed her face as stray tears dripped down her cheeks. The trio led Lilian to an abandoned classroom and sat her down. Sirius dried Lilian's tears, shushing her gently, and Remus took out chocolate whilst James hugged the girl warmly. 

"I'm not evil," Lilian said quietly. "Vati's not either," She added. "Neither of you are," Sirius said. "So, why do they blame me for things our year-mates do?" Lilian asked. "I don't know, Lily. Maybe they just don't want to admit that Grindelwald wasn't evil, sure he was a dark lord, but he wasn't evil," James said. "Most of the so called dark lords were just lords of noble houses, those noble houses were known for having dark cores," Remus said. "The only truly evil Dark Lord from the modern times is you-know-who," Sirius nodded. Suddenly a letter appeared on Lilian's hands. It said; 'Lilian Gerta Grindelwald, Liebling' in elegant cursive. "It's from Vati!" Lilian gasped. "Open it," James smiled.


'Dear Liebling,

Hello Lilian, my precious daughter. It has been years since I last laid my eyes on you. I was just recently given permission to reply to your letters by the ministry. I love you so much and I miss you every day. You're eleven aren't you? First year at Hogwarts... Your mother used to talk about the place quite often, Albus did too. Tell me, is everything alright over there? I heard another dark lord is gaining followers steadily. Please don't harm yourself, I'd hate to see you hurt..

Please always remember that I love you, no matter what. I think the Ministry might allow us to meet sometime soon if we both act well. Did this 'Nott' start bothering you when you arrived at Hogwarts? Is this 'Severus' mean to you or anyone else? Is 'James' kind to you and do you trust him?

Please respond soon..

Love, Vati.'


"Vati," Lilian smiled, her father was allowed to respond to her letters. "What did he say?" James inquired. "He gained permission to write letters to me," Lilian replied. "And he asks if I'm well and how are others treating me... He says I might be allowed to meet him soon," she added. "Well that's great! I think you should tell him about what the others are saying, I find it takes a lot off your chest when you speak about such things," Remus said. "I think I will," Lilian nodded.

The quartet hurried off to the dorms and Lilian wrote her reply, sending it off almost immediately. She couldn't wait to see her father after so many years of being apart. She turned to her side and promptly fell asleep, getting dreams of her father.

~~To be continued~~

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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