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No I'm just kidding, it's not the end :)

Well, it's the end of part one, as I've decided to split this book into two parts, and as the first part concludes Dorcas's life at Hogwarts, so the second part will follow her adventures in the Order of the Phoenix

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Well, it's the end of part one, as I've decided to split this book into two parts, and as the first part concludes Dorcas's life at Hogwarts, so the second part will follow her adventures in the Order of the Phoenix.

Can I just say how satisfying it is that part one ends with exactly 50 chapters? I wasn't planning on it, but it somehow ended at 50 and I don't know, I love it.

Can I just say how satisfying it is that part one ends with exactly 50 chapters? I wasn't planning on it, but it somehow ended at 50 and I don't know, I love it

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Anyway. Thank you all who have stuck with this book still, I love that there are people out there who enjoy my work, it really means a lot to me. I appreciate all the support and love I've received in this book, all the votes and comments, so thank you. I hope you will stick with this book till the very end.

I will change a few things around in the information chapter and republish it since I need to have a chapter titled part one, so expect some random updates now. I'll also add a cast in the part two chapter as I'll be introducing new characters, and since I haven't decided on a cast yet, it's probably going to take a while to officially start part two.

That's really all I wanted to say. Once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading my book, you have no idea how much this means to me!

Love you all, and I hope you have a wonderful day, week and month ahead, and I hope 2020 holds amazing things in store for you!

Now excuse me while I go and plan the best way to torture my characters.

I don't really know why I'm putting all these Joker GIFs haha but they're awesome!

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I don't really know why I'm putting all these Joker GIFs haha but they're awesome!

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