Part 2 (creating a scene)

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Today is the day that the party was going to be. I walk inside the venue and I see all of these elegantly looking people holding champagnes and everything. Alright I know it said "dress code: fancy" but how fancy can you get? I spot Chaeryoung waving at me and I walk over to her. "Isn't it amazing?! Only rich people are here yet look at us! This is definitely just like a kdrama!!" I look around and she is not wrong. all of the decorations looks really expensive and I'm surprised that we even got invited. "oh, I see a cute guy! Let me go talk to him!" She said and before I could stop her, she was already gone. Oh well, maybe I could go over to the food aisle. I then take a bite of the mini sandwiches and my eyes widened. "This is so good!" I whisper to myself while eating more. "Having fun there?" I turn around to see Soobin smiling at me. "I'm glad you came." He said.
My cheeks are filled with sandwiches so I couldn't really reply to him which made him chuckle. "It's okay, just finish up eating." He said and we started laughing. Then the other guys came and stood behind Soobin. "Oh, you really came." Taehyun said with a tired expression. "Well, my friend kinda forced me to come." I said and they all laugh except for Taehyun and Beomgyu. Yo these two are really scary. Yeonjun then looks behind me and asked "isn't that Samuel? Your boyfriend?" I look behind me to see Samuel walking around with a girl in his arms. I drop the plate that I was holding so it shatters and now everyone's attention is on me. Including Chaeryoung and Samuel. I walk over to Samuel automatically and he just looks at me with cold eyes. "Samuel.." I whisper and the girl asks him "who is she babe?" He looks at the girl and then at me before saying "I don't know her." My eyes widened and the girl then said "excuse me but can you not make a scene? You're embarrassing yourself." I look down at the floor and tears starts falling out of my eyes. Then someone pulls me behind him and said "if anyone is creating a scene, it's you two." I look up to see Beomgyu standing in front of me. "What do you mean? She is the one creating a scene!" The girl yells furiously. Chaeryoung runs towards us and tries to comfort me. I feel so pathetic and dumb. Usually I can stand up for myself but I don't know what is happening to me.. Samuel then said "you know what bro, maybe it's best if you fire that waitress I mean she-" before he could finish his sentence Beomgyu already punched him in the face and knocked him down.
Soobin and Hueningkai tries to hold him back so he won't throw another punch. I look at them shocked before Taehyun walks over to Samuel and said "making a woman cry is the worst thing a man can do. Now both of you can leave before I call security." Samuel and the girl quickly walks away and then Taehyun pulls me in a dressing room with the others behind us. He sits me down on a chair and Soobin offers me a glass of water. Chaeryoung is sitting beside me trying to calm me down. "I'm sorry.."
I whisper and they all look at me confused. "Why are you sorry?" Hueningkai asked.
"I created a scene at your party and I'm usually not like this but-" then Yeonjun cuts me off by saying "don't worry, it's not your fault.. besides, Samuel deserved it. How can he make such a beautiful woman cry?" His words calms me down and I smile at him. "So what now? I'm sure girls are gonna go after Ryujin when we go back to school." Taehyun said and Soobin nods. "I guess she has to be with us for now." Soobin then said with a smile. I can just tell that Chaeryoung is smiling widely at me.
"No, I'll be okay." I quickly said and Beomgyu shakes his head before saying "you know how people are these days. It's for your own safety and we aren't taking a no for an answer." Well I guess I have no choice then.. but is it really that bad as I thought it is? Maybe there will not be that much of a difference..

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