Trapping Henry

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Bendy put his arms around Henry, feeling his creator's distress. He clearly wasn't taking the Change well, but then again, no human ever did. Henry was shaking, ink pooling around him as the events of the past few days finally caught up with him, making his form melt, just like Bendy's would if he was upset or mad. It was just another thing that Henry had in common with Bendy. Both of their forms were connected to their emotions. The shadows that raced along the walls weren't Bendy's either. It was Henry who was doing that. Bendy was amazed. He hadn't thought that Henry's abilities would be so strong. Henry himself didn't seem to realize that he was the one who was creating the shadows, or the ink. Bendy figured that he was too distressed to realize the truth. Bendy didn't blame him. His mind was in turmoil. Bendy continued to hold his creator until Henry had fallen into an uneasy sleep. The shadows around them faded, and Henry's ink flowed slower, then stopped, revealing his face and features clearly. He looked adorable, curled up like a cat, with his tail curled around him. His horns and tail gleamed in the light. Bendy chuckled to himself, overcome with a fondness for his creator. Sometimes Henry seemed so... small. Like a child. Bendy decided he wasn't going to let Henry out of his sight. Not until he became used to his new life. He still thought of escape almost constantly. Bendy didn't want to give Henry any openings to try something. He knelt down and picked up Henry, holding his creator close and approaching the throne. He focused on Henry's chain, the loops that held his chain to the throne. Using his ability to manipulate the ink, Bendy removed the chain from the throne. Then he walked away, into an ink portal with Henry in his arms. He took Henry deep into his lair. Into his... bedroom. Is that what humans call where they sleep? It was a rather small room, covered in ink. Much like the Demon pathway in the Angels lair, the walls are dripping with thick ink, and the floor is covered with ink. The ink was deep- some parts went as high as Bendy's chest. Bendy made a self-reminder to keep Henry away from those areas; The ink was so deep it would go right over his head. Bendy didn't want Henry to panic. Bendy laid Henry down on his bed, almost immediately he disappeared into the ink. Bendy chuckled. He could could still see Henry, though he'd pretty much disappeared into the ink. His spirit flickered through the black ink. Bendy gently Bendy crawled next to his creator, curling around him and letting the ink drape over them both. Henry's chest rose and fell with each breath, and Bendy smiled to himself. Henry looked so cute! He took a plushie of himself , the same one Henry had curled up with inside the Storeroom. He gave it to Henry, who gripped it tightly in his sleep. "Goodnight Henry." Bendy whispered, curling around his creator.

What?.. Bendy blinked open his eyes, recognizing Henry's thoughts. Realizing Henry was still under the ink, Bendy lowered the ink level so Henry wouldn't panic. Henry blinked open his eyes, looking confused. Where am I? Bendy stayed still. Henry didn't appear to realize Bendy was there, the ink appeared to be hiding him quite well, despite Bendy lying right beside Henry. The animator sat up and rubbed his eyes. He was still holding the plush, which Bendy found adorable. Henry blinked at the plush and made a face at it. Why on Earth am I holding this still? He wondered, and the bewilderment in his face made Bendy want to laugh. Henry looked around the room, squinting his eyes. Wow, it's dark in here. Bendy blinked. He hadn't realized how little light there was, he himself didn't need light to see. Joey. Henry's thought was accompanied with a half sob. Bendy frowned at Henry. He'd hoped that Henry would have forgotten about the conversation in his throne room. He would have to kill Joey, just thinking of his name was enough to make Bendy growl. Henry stiffened, and Bendy mentally cursed himself. What was that? Henry wondered, moving closer to the headboard. He looked around, but with what little light and the fact that Bendy was still under the ink, Henry didn't see anything. Henry closed his eyes. His hand reached up and touched his collar. What am I attached too? Henry pulled on his chain, surprised to find it appeared to be attached right below him. Henry hesitated, then stuck his hand in the ink, searching for the end. He found it and pulled, but of course, nothing happened. Crap. Attached to the wall. Bendy blinked. The wall? Then he realized that to Henry, he probably couldn't see the headboard, and just assumed it was part of the wall. Henry sighed and rested his head against the headboard. God Joey, I hope your not dead. He blinked away his tears. Please don't be dead. Bendy frowned at him. He wanted to kill Joey, so badly, but... He didn't like seeing Henry so upset. Why did Henry care so much about Joey Drew? It didn't make sense to Bendy. Bendy growled. He didn't like this, feeling so... undecided . Henry flinched again, and Bendy mentally cursed himself. Where is that coming from? Henry's thoughts were full of worry. I hope it's not... Henry gulped. Him. Bendy sighed. Yes, it was him. He hated how scared Henry was of him, but he did understand it. Most of their interactions had scared him, even if Bendy hadn't intended to frighten him. Bendy rose out of the ink, right beside Henry. Henry reacted just as Bendy expected. He tried to run, but his chain held him back. Henry grabbed at his collar, but to no avail. "Calm down." Bendy said, holding up his hands to show he meant no harm. However, the only thing that flashed through Henry's mind was Bendy creating the shackles out of the ink, and another wave of terror washed through Henry. Startled, Bendy put his hands down. He hadn't realized that creating the shackles had scared Henry that much. Henry was as far away from Bendy as the chain would reach. A small whimper erupted from him, and Bendy had to restrain himself from trying to help. An image crept through Henry's mind, making him tremble. It was of him, Bendy, commanding the ink to swallow Henry whole, drowning him. Making the world around him turn to ink. It started Bendy, because that technically was something he could do, had done to torture souls. Odd that Henry's mind would immediately jump to that,  though Bendy had never dreamed of doing it to Henry. Bendy sat down, leaning back against the headrest. Maybe if he just sat here Henry might calm down a little. It seemed to work, Henry sat down as well, though as far away from Bendy as he could. He was still scared, but now he was beginning to feel a bit annoyed as well. If your going to kill me, why don't you just kill me already? Henry's thought was lined with annoyance and despair. Bendy inclined his head to Henry. "I don't want to kill you, Henry." He whispered, and shock erupted in Henry's brain. What... What just. D-did he.. Henry was having trouble forming a coherent thought. Bendy mentally kicked himself. He hadn't meant to answer Henry's thought, it just slipped out. "Sorry." He muttered, turning his head away from Henry. Now this was just embarrassing. "A-are you reading my thoughts?!" Henry sounded shocked. Bendy held up his hands in a useless gesture. "Sorry, can't help it." He explained. Henry's eyes grew huge. "I'm not sure why, normally I have to concentrate to read minds, and even then, I usually don't bother." Henry was quiet. Then, "Why are you doing this?" Bendy turned his head to look at Henry. "I-I'm trying to protect you." Henry's eyebrows raised. "I'm sorry, what?" Bendy turned his head. "Y-You killed me! How is that protecting me?" Bendy lowered his head. "You were dying when I found you." He whispered. "I-I didn't have a choice." Henry was quiet, thinking. Odd, usually I don't get a straight answer... Bendy snorted, laughing. Henry jumped. "D-don't do that!" Bendy blinked at him. "I'm sorry Henry." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I can't really control it.." Henry was quiet. So all those times I thought about escaping.. Bendy moved closer to Henry, making him try to edge away. "I heard that too." Bendy gently touched Henry's cheek with his claw. "I don't blame you for that, though I would advise you stop thinking about it." Henry was very still, his eyes wide. Bendy lowered his claw. "This is your home now." Henry shivered. A tear traced its way down his cheek. Bendy gently wiped it away, leaving a small trail of ink across his cheek. Bendy picked up the plush and handed it to Henry. Then he got an idea. He picked up Henry's chain and unhooked it from the headboard. "Come on." He coaxed. Henry's eyes grew wide. He clutched the plushie tighter. He's gonna kill me. Bendy shook his head, feeling a little annoyed. He'd already stated multiple times that he meant Henry no harm. "No, I won't." Bendy said, trying to keep his voice soft and patient. "I just thought of something you might like." Bendy gently took Henry's hand in his own and pulled the animator to his feet. "Come on." Henry was looking around. "Uhh... Where?" Bendy laughed. Then he began pulling Henry towards the wall. "Wait! Uh, what?" Henry sputtered as he tried to pull away. "Don't be afraid." Bendy coaxed. "I do this all the time." Henry's eyes widened as he realized what Bendy was about to do. "B-but I'm not like you!" Henry protested. Bendy laughed innerly at that. Thanks to his gift, Bendy and Henry were more alike than he realized. "I-I'm not.." Bendy stopped in front of the wall and summoned a portal. "Your not what Henry?" He asked, before realizing Henry didn't realize he was.. Well, made of ink. He still thought of himself as a human. Bendy took his arm and gently pulled him closer, kneeling so he and Henry were the same height. Henry's eyes were wide with dread. A part of him knew what Bendy was about to tell him. "Henry, when I... when I was forced to take your soul," Henry flinched at Bendy's words. "I... a part of the process is to... well.." This was harder than Bendy thought. Perhaps if he just spit it out... "I had to create you a new body." Henry's eyes widened, and he backed away, fear clouding his eyes. His hand reached up and touched his head, where his horns stuck out of his head. You... You.. Bendy felt pity erupt in his chest. "I'm sorry Henry." He whispered. He reached over and tapped Henry's arm. The ink that made up Henry's body began to turn black. Henry jumped, understandably panicked at the sight of his arm, which was now jet black. Bendy watched as Henry's arm changed back to what it was before. This... Can't.,. Bendy gently placed his hand on Henry's shoulder. The animator jerked away. "Y-you did this to me!" He shrieked. He looked like he was about to cry. "Henry, calm down." Bendy tried to take Henry's hand. Henry jerked it away. "D-Don't touch me!" Henry was crying now. "I-I just wanted to go home." He sobbed. "Was that too much to ask? To see my wife again? To see the sun? To punch my no-good, selfish brother in the face?" Bendy wasn't sure how to comfort him. He also had no clue about what Henry was talking about. He had a wife? A brother? And what is a sun? Bendy had a feeling it was a bad time to ask. "I... I'm sorry Henry." He whispered. "I was only trying to save you..." Henry took a deep breath, perhaps trying to calm himself down. Shouldn't have done that. Henry thought shakily. Bendy's horns perked up. Now what's he gonna do to me? Dread seemed to cling to him. "Henry, it's okay." Bendy said softly. He understood why Henry was thinking this way. "I'm not mad. I'm not going to... to punish you for yelling at me." Henry stared at Bendy, his eyes wide. "Y-Your not?" Bendy shook his head. "You... You just realized that your body isn't even your own." He said softly. "Your hurt, and confused, and scared. .....So scared." Henry gazed at Bendy quietly. Hugged the plushie to his chest. "I don't blame you for that. It is my fault. I never should have left you.." Henry blinked. "Left me?" He sounded confused. Bendy gazed at him. "I followed you." He admitted. "After the loop ended, after I realized... who you were." Henry closed his eyes and took a shaky breath. "Y-you were following me the whole time. T-that's why I never saw anyone before Allison and Tom. It was you." Bendy gazed at Henry, then nodded, making a mental note not to underestimate Henry. He could be pretty smart when he wanted to be. Bendy reached out a hand to Henry. "I want to show you something." He said, hoping he was doing this right. "But I don't want to force you. Will you come?" Henry hesitated, then let out a shaky laugh. "Do I have much of a choice?" He said shakily, pulling on the chain that connected to the collar around his neck. The chain that Bendy held in his hand. Bendy gazed at him, then at the chain in his hand. He'd forgotten. Bendy pulled Henry closer to him, using the chain. Henry yelped, fear clouding his eyes as he was pulled into Bendy's arms. "Hold still." Bendy murmured, fiddling with Henry's collar. Bendy could feel Henry's chest rising and falling. After a moment, it was done. Bendy carefully pulled the collar away from Henry and took a step back. Henry's hand reached for his throat, eyes wide. Bendy smiled. "I'm not going to force you to do anything." He said softly. "Will you come?" Henry hesitated, then nodded. "Yeah, okay." He still sounded shaky, but that was expected. Bendy took Henry's hand gently and pulled him towards the portal. Henry gasped, gazing at it with frightened eyes. "You don't need to be afraid." Bendy whispered. "It doesn't hurt, and it's very fast. It'll be over before you know it." Henry closed his eyes tight and gripped Bendy's hand tightly. "Ok, just... lets go." Bendy nodded, though Henry couldn't see him, and pulled Henry through the portal.

This is working perfectly... I don't need to keep Henry trapped using the collar...

The alternate Studio will do just fine!

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