Chapter 20 C3 encounter

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everyone was going out of the building about to go eat dinner and hangout, with the group. But soon they were walking to a food place, they were stopped by a group of people that they know.

Mikuni stopped in his tracks, Miya notice his movements stopped as well. " Mikuni?..."

The group notice that Mikuni and Miya   stopped walking, some of them tilting their heads in confusion. Kuro sniff out what's wrong and notice a strong energy.

' there's a strong energy coming our way...' Kuro thought. His siblings notice and Miya notice it as well.

She keep a close eye on her friend. Mikuni eyes widen turn to Miya, ran to her. " look out!"

Mikuni ran to her making them both fall to the ground. Everyone ducked and got into a fighting stance. Miya close her eyes and op them seeing Mikuni on top of her, he got up taking her hand accepted it both standing up with their friends side by side to each other.

' it's... Them...' She thought with wide eyes.

Three groups of young looking men encounter them. Wearing white and black outfits, with no doubt about about it, was c3.

" you..." Lawless

" miss us~..." The black hair male look straight at the group the towards Mikuni with a smirk.

Mikuni clenched his teeth from the thought of seeing them. But the three introduced to Miya. But Mikuni being protective of her he hide her behind him.

Miya blush by his protectiveness. ' Mikuni?...'

He stare at tsurugi, " what do you all want?" He said with a low growl. Jeje keeping an eye on all three of them.

" we need to talk to you all, " yumikage said as he pointed the group, then pointed at Miya. " especially you, half immortal..."

Now everyone is starring at her.


C3 took all of them to the headquarters, with a few minutes of almost biting their heads off they finally said yes to go. They were all in a room with everyone together.

Mikuni was having a unpleasant feeling this time, he been here the other time but this time is different. He wonders why them if they need miya but then they did lost Tsubaki.

He let out a sigh, Jeje hanging from his neck. Tsurugi is by his side bugging him, " feeling tired kuni chan~..."

" can you stop calling me that! And no I'm not just tired of your presence. " Mikuni

" I'm hurt that you said that kuni chan~ but in deep down you do care about me, and I miss our time together here! Don't you?~" tsurugi

" not even once..." Mikuni

Miya heard tarugi calling Mikuni, a different name which us curious to her. She was beside to Mikuni and look at tsurugi.

" um,... You call him ' kuni '?" Miya asked in curious thought.

Tarugi nodded with a smile. " yup, I call him that because we use to work together.

Mikuni quickly turn to tsurugi by what he is going to tell Miya. That he use to work at C3. Miya tilted her head.

" what do you mean? You guys use to work together?" Miya

" well Miya can, he use to work-..." Tsurugi was cut off by being punched by Mikuni making tsurugi fly across the room.

Mikuni wrapped Miya in his arms making the group notice this even Misono. Eyeing his older brother actions towards the half immortal female.

' he's getting attached to her.' Misono thought to himself.

While the others were looking Mikuni and tsurugi were arguing while Mikuni had his loosen his arms around her.

Miya glance around taking in on what just happened and the room she was in right now. Seeing this is c3 building which everyone from her clan and the group was talking about. Then the doors started to op seeing a very tall man walking in to the room.

He wear a black suit with a cigarette in his mouth. He stopped and glance around the room saw Miya starring at him.

" nice work for bringing them here everyone. " he blow out a smoke. Both jun, and yumikage giving him a glare. But tsurugi give him a smile.

" um who are you?" Miya ask him.

" I'm the one who run this place and I see we haven't the names Toma, taishi. " he smile at Miya but stay silent for the time being but she just to,d him her name nothing else.

" yours?" Toma

"......Miya Megumi." Miya told him. The room fell into silence.

" why are we here?" Kuro said to break the silence.

Toma look at them all in the room. Mikuni keeping an close eye on him. ' I got a bad feeling this time...'

" I have some issue to share with you. "
Coming next: Chapter 21 staying for a while

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