Chapter 13

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Y/N's POV:

"Yah, Hoseok, get off the table, we need to get going." Jin scolded him. Once we had all left the building, we piled into the car once again, and I sat in the corner, where I sat last time. A question popped up in my head. "Last night," I started. All the boys heads turned in my direction. "Last night, I don't remember getting into my room, or into bed." I say. Tae's cheeks start to turn red. "How did I get there?" I asked. All the boys looked in Tae's direction. ", last night we found out that you had gone missing. We went on a search around the building, and Jin and I saw you..sleeping on the floor in the practice room." J-hope started. Oops..I thought to myself. "We didn't want to wake you, but you were in a really bad position, and if you stayed like that, you would have been sore today. So, um, we brought the other boys down to the practice room, and when we couldn't figure out what to do, Tae just walked in there and put you on his back." Tae looked down in embarrassment. "Thanks, Tae-oppa." I say, adding the 'Oppa' part, so he knew I wasn't mad. If anything, I were glad he had brought me back to the dorm. He looked up at me, and smiled. "Your welcome, Y/N-ah."

To be honest, I was definitely nervous to dance with the boys. I knew I had a much smaller amount of talent then them, and I was probably going to embarrass myself from the start. When we piled out of the car, the boys started leading me through the building again, J-hope, Jimin, and V by my side, of course. I hadn't had much time with V, and I hadn't even known these boys existed for longer then 24 hours, but I was still thankful for them, and I had a feeling V and I would become good friends at some point. While walking down a hallway, the boys stopped at a vending machine to grab 8 water bottles. Once we entered the same practice room from yesterday, all the boys started doing stretches, and, suprisingly, Jungkook was the one to teach me the stretches. They weren't difficult, they were just made to warm us up, Jungkook told me. "We do these twice a day atleast, one before dancing and one after. If we don't do it after, your muscles go tight, and you can't move them the next day." He had said. "Jungkook?" I asked. "Hmm?" "..can I call you Oppa?" I asked. He became flustered. "Y-yah.. you can call me anything else..J-Jungkookie, or-or kookie, or just Jungkook, if you want-"Aish, I get it. You don't like being called Oppa." I said, smiling at how cute he was when he was flustered.

A couple minutes later, the boys were brining me slowly through the steps of the dance, and when I had learned how to do the first 30 seconds with the group, we ran through it, and it actually turned out Ok. The boys kept teaching me, movement by movement, until we had pretty much covered half the dance. Well, until I knew half the dance. I still couldn't catch right up with the boys paces, but I was getting closer.

After 6 long hours, it was finally time for a break. Walking through the halls, J-hope gave me a piggy back, after dramatically claiming that I must be 'ever so tired!' After working so hard. I tried to avoid it, but he insisted, hence the reason I was currently resting on his back. To be honest, he was right. I was 110% tired, although the boys didn't seemed affected by it at all, so I didn't say anything. Jin was beside us on one side, and Jimin and V were on the other side. The other boys were right infront of us. Jin was, once again, telling us one of his dad jokes.

"What did the quarter say to the penny?" Jin asked. "What?" We all asked, entertaining him. He had a big cheeky grin on his face. "You don't make much cents." He laughed at his joke, and to be honest, his joke wasn't all that funny, but his laugh and energy was, and because of that, I started laughing as well. J-hope, Jimin, and Jungkook laughed as well, RM and V chuckled, and even Yoongi had smiled, something I had rarely seen. "Oh, oh, I have another one!" Jin said, taking control of the moment. "Do you wanna here a knock knock joke?" Jin asked. "We don't have a choice, do we?" Yoongi asked. "Knock knock!" Jin said, ignoring Yoongi. "It's open." Yoongi said. J-hope started laughing so hard, he almost dropped me off my back. Jin faked being hurt, and held his hand to his chest. We all ended up laughing, though, just as we entered the food court.

Despite my attempt to get off, J-hope kept me on his back, until we had all ordered our food, waited for it, and then found a spot to sit. When we got to a table, he finally decided to put me down. Jungkook, who was sitting across from me, had started humming a tune quietly, which, I had to admit was catchy. Of course, the boy beside him had to hear, and Jimin was soon singing to the tune Jungkook was humming to. J-hope sang along with Jimin, and then, everyone was singing to it. Other then me. I guessed it was one of their songs that they already produced, since they all knew the lyrics, and sang at the same pitch. The song , I realized, was called 'dope.' They literally repeated that word so many times, it would be a wonder if I didn't realize what it was called.

after they finished singing, we all ended eating, and headed back up to the practice room, after picking up a couple more water bottles. We got back to the practice room, and practiced for more hours on end, until 6, when Dae Hyun came in, with a surprise for me. 

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