Chapter 17

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Jimin's POV:

"Shouldn't we go get her?" I asked. Y/N was still in the practice room, and Mei Zhen was going to be here any minute. I had decided to suprise Mei Zhen with Y/N, knowing she would be happy that there would be another girl here tonight. Just as the elevator door opened, Y/N ran through the dorm with a panicked look on her face, which was honestly adorable. She was wearing one of Jungkooks shirts, and jeans, and hair was definitely not done-at all. We watched her in amusement as she ran to her door and shut the door, and we waited patiently for her to come out. A couple minutes later, the elevator dinged and opened once more, and Mei Zhen stood there shyly. I quickly walked up to her, grabbed her hand, and gently pulled her out of the elevator. "You look beautiful.." I whispered in her ear. I saw her blush, and I smiled in success, just as Y/N walked out of her room.

Y/N wore a plain but nice white dress, with flats on and her hair done in a high pony. She looked nice, as well. I saw Mei Zhen stare down Y/N, and Y/N shifted uncomfortably in her shoes, looking at the ground. Jungkook walked up to Y/N, and lightly pulled her towards everyone else. "You look good." He said to her, trying to make her make her feel a little less awkward. She just smiled at him, and shifted uncomfortably in Mei Zhen's gaze. I gently tugged Mei Zhen's arm, silently begging her to stop staring. She ignored me though, and continued judging the young girl silently. Was she.. jealous? I decided to add some noise to the room, and introduced everyone. "Mei, this is Hoseok, Namjoon, Seokjin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Y/N." I said. They had all obviously noticed the way she was staring at Y/N, and though they politely said hello back, they all had the look on their face where they were ready to defend Y/N if they needed to.

She ignored me, and their greetings, and walked up to Y/N. she sneered, making Y/N look up, looking partly terrified. " name is Y/N, it's nice to meet you," she said politely. I was confused. Mei Zhen had never acted this way. Then again, I had only known her for a week, but still..Jin, who tried to avert the conversation to something else, said, "Mei Zhen, Do you like Bulgogi? That's what I made for dinner." Jin asked. Mei turned into the girl I knew once again, and smiled brightly at Jin. "Of course Oppa! I'm sure it'll be delicious." She said, walking away from Y/N. I admit, I got a little jealous when she called him Oppa, but Jin looked more annoyed then anything. "Ya, I hope so." J-hope suggested that we eat, so we all sat down around the table, Mei Zhen not so secretly sitting as far away from Y/N as the table would allow. "Thank you for dinner, Jin." Y/N said. "Your welcome!" Y/N always said that, and we had gotten into the habit of doing it as well. Before any of us could say it though, "thanks for dinner, Jin-Oppa!" Mei said. I heard someone scoff, and Jin mumbled a "Your welcome.." before we all said it, and then we all started eating.

​​​​​​​Yoongi's POV:

​​​​​​​Aish, why would Jimin notice this girl, out of all girls in the world? She was a massive bitch! And the way she kept looking at Y/ really made me mad. It looked like the others didn't like it, either. She kept flirting with Jin, as well, and he looked pissed. "So, it's Y/N, right?" Mei Zhen asked. Jungkook and Tae, who were sitting on either side of Y/N, looked up from their food and listened in on the conversation secretively. I listened in as well. "Um, yeah.." Y/N said. While she spoke, her chopsticks slipped, and she dropped some food on her dress. I heard Mei Zhen snicker. I looked up at Mei Zhen threateningly, and I noticed J-hope do the same. Jimin, who had been quiet most the time, quickly got up with Tae, and took Y/N to her bedroom to clean her up. Once Jimin was gone, J-hope, Jungkook, Jin, RM and I glared up at Mei Zhen, not so subtly. "I'm sorry, who do you think you are? Isn't it rude to stare at a girl?" She asked. "I'm sorry, isn't it rude to harass a child who hasn't done anything to deserve it?" Our usually quiet Maknae said. This time, it was me who snickered.

She scoffed. "What is she doing living with MY boyfriend, anyways? She better stay away from him." Namjoon spoke next. "Yah, she's a kid. She is 10 years younger then him. What do you think is gonna happen? Also, she lives with ALL of us. She's part of our family, including Jimins, and this is her house as well, and I'm sorry to say, if you can't respect her, you have no right to be here." Namjoon retorted. We nod in agreement. It didn't matter that she was a girl, she needed to know where she stood. 

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