Chapter 32

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Y/N's POV 

I ran back to the elevator, amd decided I didn't want another ride with the arm. I kicked it onto the floor outside the elevator and into the dorm, and went to floor three. I had already dialed for the ambulance, and told them to send police as well, and quickly told them why. By the time the phone call had ended, I was back on the third floor. When the door opened, I saw Mei Zhen sitting on the floor, holding her shoulder in an attempt to stop the bleeding, all the while withering on the floor in pain, tears streaming fastly down her cheeks, her screams and sobs the only things to be heard in the empty hallways. I gently put her head in my lap, ignoring the fresh smell of blood, which made me cringe.

I stroked her soothingly, not sure of what to do. I took my shirt off, and wrapped it what was left of her arm, like what Tae had done for me, and I began to sing to her. I didn't know how else to comfort a girl in pain, after all, but my method seemed to work, and soon her screams had died down, and her eyes were closed as she sobbed and gritted her teeth from the pain. It had been a couple minutes, and I was a little frustrated that the ambulance wasn't there yet. Of course, I knew no human should go through the pain that she was going through. But I couldn't say that I liked her, and enjoyed her company, and wanted to be anywhere near her, for that matter. I couldn't complain, though. So I waited.

Jin's POV:

Namjoon suddenly rushed into the room, and told us to quickly gather our things and exit the room. We picked up on the reason pretty quickly, and we were all out the door in a matter of seconds. Once we entered the car, Jungkook and Tae continuously told the driver, who looked a little agitated, to drive faster. Despite his wishes, he did as he was told. We were there in under 5 minutes. We had all agreed to go to the top floor first, knowing that would be the place Y/N would most likely reside. Unless she went to the practice room. Which, if she did, and she was still...alive, I would definitely scold her for.

As soon as we entered the elevator, there was a nasty smell. The others noticed it as well, and they plugged there noses. It almost smelt like..blood. And flesh. I pushed these thoughts out of my head, and we all waited silently as the door slowly went up the first floor. Second floor. Third floor. I swore I heard crying beyond the doors, but it was probably just my imagination getting the best of me, since none of the others seemed to hear it. We finally made it to the top floor, and Hoseok, who was in the front, screamed once the doors had opened. "What? What is it?" I asked, As we all pushed our way past him, scared and anxious yet impatient to see what we would discover. It wasn't at all what I had expected, but maybe worse.

I had expected her whole body..not just her arm..but..this was good, right? I didn't see any other body parts..maybe she was still alive. I heard Jungkook gasp, and turn around quickly, and Jimin and Tae covered their eyes. Yoongi kicked it away slightly, with a disgusted look on his face, and was the first one to enter the dorm. "Y/N?" He called for her, but was answered with silence. I entered the room next, determined to find her. Jungkook and Namjoon entered after, followed my the 95 liners, and then, after a quick glance down at the slightly twitching arm, Hoseok entered the dorm. We all dispersed among the top floor, looking for any signs of a body-dead or alive. Other then by the front of the elevator, there was no blood anywhere. Namjoon, who was over by the elevator door, called us over. He was crouched down in front of the arm.

"this isn't Y/N's arm." He stated matter of factly, and we all stared at him, confused. "Who's else's could it be? It's definitely a girls." We all hesitanted. " do you know it's not hers?" I ask, looking at the arm, inspecting it in case there was something we had missed. "Did you forget? Y/N's arm is totally destroyed." he said. Well duh. We all knew that. "But she damaged her left arm. Look at the way the pinkie and thumb are on this hand." He said, putting his left hand next to the arm. They matched. "This is a left arm, and it seems fine to me." He said, and we finally understood his approach. None of us knew what to take of this. How did she loose her arm? Y/N would probably try and defend herself, but she wouldn't cut someone's arm, right?

"'s Mei Zhen's?"

I want to kill myself oh god

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