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"Do you Lee Danica take Kim Namjoon, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, til death do you part?"

"I do."


"The hell are you doing here at my sisters bachelorette party!?" I exclaimed.

"I needed to see you! You said you're okay but tomorrow I'm going to walk down that aisle, say those to words and it'll be final." He reminded me.

"So be it, goodbye!" I spat, trying to walk out of the bathroom.

"You say you're fine, but your body language says different."

"She likes you Namjoon! Who am I to get in the way of that!? Besides... oldest gets married... first.. so my feeling don't matter." I shrugged trying to hide my emotions.

"But they do to me! You have the power to stop all of this— I cut him off with a quick kiss.

"Marry my sister Namjoon... that's how it's supposed to be.." I brushed pass him exiting the bathroom and leaning up against the door. I let my tear fall before I rejoined the party so no one would suspect a thing.


"He's staring.." Nicole whispered. I shushed her because we are in the wedding after all, literally standing five feet away from them. Yes I could see him looking past her and looking at me, but the last thing I want to do is have my sister embarrassed in from of all of these people.

No she's not aware that I fell in love with Namjoon a year before our parents arranged them to be wedded. The only people that know are Nicole and Jin, my best friends, his parents and of course my father, who cares about tradition and honor more than how I feel.

I've been putting my feelings aside, knowing that I can't go against my father's tradition. Besides I don't know if she loves Namjoon, but I know she likes him because she told me, and as for him, well he just have to stop loving me because it's nothing I can do about this.

"Do you Kim Namjoon take Lee Danica, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, 'til death do you part?" There was a long pause, why isn't he saying anything. I gave him a 'please say something' look as I seen him swallow thickly.

"I do." Finally I could breathe as the ceremony was almost over.

"Well by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss. the. bride." I dreaded this. I wanted to look away but the piercing stare from my father stopped me.

I watched my sister in my place, kissing the love of my life. No it's not her fault, but I couldn't help the sting in my heart, the moment their lips touched. I forced a smile, applauding with the rest of the crowd. As I look out unsuspiciously, I caught the sympathetic eyes of my friend Jin.

"I'm sorry." He mouthed. I gave him a reassuring look because it's nothing anyone could have done. And I didn't want to be the girl shunned by her father.


We were at the reception, I was of course drinking, wanting to remember this day as a blurred.

"That's not a good thing to do Ari." Nicole scolded.

"Yeah, this is your fifth glass." Jin added.

"Sorry mom, but I want to drink until my face falls off, until I can't remember the past few months, until I can't remember falling in love with him or better yet my father telling me, 'he's a good guy and I think he would suit your sister well' as I'm literally pouring my heart out to him, begging him not to do this." I bitterly rambled.

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