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"Sweetheart can you please come home with me?" Nicole asked while standing at the door.

"I have to finish this work." I tried to brush her off.

"It's passed ten and you basically own a percentage of this company, you can finish tomorrow." I sighed while lifting my head to look at her.

"The only reason why you're over working yourself is because Namjoon and your sister is supposed to come home today and Namjoon haven't finished getting all his stuff out of your shared apartment." I rolled my eyes and returned to my work.

"It's not shared anymore." I responded bluntly.

"And you don't want to be there when he gets there." I rolled my eyes once more. "Keep doing that and they're going to get stuck there." She snorted.

"Look, I don't want to talk about this okay!" I yelled. "I'm sorry it's just, if I talk about it, I hurt and I'm tired of crying." I did it for a week straight literally.

"Let's go out, maybe that'll give you a break from reality." She suggested.

"I really don't think clubbing is the solution to my problems."

"No, but it'll help you forget about them for the moment. Pweeeaasseee !! For me!" She begged.

"Fine! Alright."

"YES!" She pulled me up before I had a chance to even process what was going on. She was dragging me through the office, to the elevators and down the hall. I gave the guards the okay to lock up the building before we rushed outside.

"Go change and be at my place in thirty minutes okay!" I rolled my eyes by doing what she said. I put on a simple skin tight, strapless black dress with, 6-inch black heels, the same dress I met Namjoon in...

Ironic how I'm the same size, kind of, the dress is a little tighter. Once I got to her place she looked me up and down.

"I haven't seen you in that since... never mind, you look hot, let's go!" She dragged me out the house with her and the night was filled with loud music, bright lights and alcohol. For once I was letting go, and enjoying myself, I missed this, a lot.

The past two months has been hell for me and to let it all go feels amazing. I was dancing and dancing with a few shots in my system, feeling someone behind me, grinding against me but I didn't care. I turned around to the stranger, running my fingers through my hair while still dancing.

"Taehyung?" I yelled over the loud music.

"Hi." He responded, but that still didn't stop the dancing. After I danced to my feet hurt, I retreated to the bar, Nicole following.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself." She chuckled.

"Am I?" I giggled, while gulping another shot. I slammed the glass back down as I seen a familiar figure walking towards us.



"Who's your friend?" Nicole asked, nodding to the person on his left.


"Armonie, nice to meet you Hoseok." I smiled while holding my hand out.

"Pleasure is mine." He took it and kissed the back of it making me blush.

"Let's go for a walk." Taehyung suggested.

"Okay." I grabbed my purse and followed him out. We were just walking and there was a park nearby so we just strolled through it, talking, small talk.

Brother In Law {COMPLETED ✔︎}Where stories live. Discover now