The World Looks So Much Brighter With You By My Side

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"Alya, I can't do this." The heroine sat next to Alya on the bench in the school hall.

The bespeckled girl eyed her best friend. She loved Marinette very much, don't get her wrong but, hearing her over-active imagination and constant ramblings were sometimes way too tiring. Her senses told her that this was one of those moments.

"Do what?" She asked.

"This," the ravenette pointed to her sketchbook, "I am a no-talent, Alya. All rising talented designers are taking part in this competition. What chance do I have? What's the use anyway? I would probably end up designing trash or mess up the fittings or trip over my feet and pour all my coffee over Mr Agreste, he would kick me out of the event and Adrien would never look at me again. He would probably end up marrying Chloe or... or Lila. Meanwhile, I won't become a fashion designer and will die like an old lady." She pulled her hair in frustration.

Alya blinked. "Mari, you don't drink coffee."

"What if I start doing it before the competition. My life is overrrrrr." She hugged Alya.

"Why is my shirt wet? Girl, are you really crying?"

"No." The bluenette sniffed.

Alya wrapped her one arm around the girl while she ruffled her best friend's hair with the other. "Where is this coming from?"

"Sleep deprivation." Marinette groaned.

"Girl, girl, girl, I love you and all but, you need to chill." She rubbed her back comfortingly.

Meanwhile, a certain blonde model was watching the whole scene unfold from a distance. Nino was talking to him about some cool EDM but, his mind was elsewhere.

I wonder what's on Marinette's mind. She's been stressing out a lot lately and hasn't been sleeping properly. Though I wish she would come to me about her problems.

Adrien stiffened as he saw Alya noticing him staring at her best friend. She gave him a devilish look.

Abort! Abort! She saw me! Why is she looking at me like that?

He saw Alya tightening her grip around Marinette.

"Alya?" The exhausted girl asked.

"Shh... Rest up, Marinette, before the class starts."

Hey, I want to hug Marinette too.

Adrien pouted.


His attention snapped back to his DJ best friend. "What?"

"Are- Are you jealous of Alya getting a hug from Marinette?"



Darn it! Why did that sound like a question? I am SO not jealous.

He heard Alya cooing, "Aww... She fell asleep. Poor girl."

Only I get to hold my princess while sleeping!

Adrien hissed and was rewarded by a weird look by his best friend.

"Dude, I think that-"

"I am NOT jealous, Nino."

"Sure, I believe you, bro." He said sarcastically.




Yep! Just friends.


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