Your Love Was Handmade For Somebody Like Me

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** I was wondering if you guys could give me some LadyNoir suggestions regarding their playful banter on patrols or something platonic for the next chapter? It'd be highly appreciated.**

Adrien had always been protective of his loved ones especially after losing someone he was really close with— his Mother.

After losing his first source of comfort and love, could anyone really blame him for being rash while trying to protect Ladybug or Marinette? Nope, no one could, no one should.

He was used to being called overprotective and sometimes dumb as Cat Noir whenever he took hits for his partner in crime-fighting. If getting hit and controlled by a freak of a human, Hawkmoth, meant that Ladybug or Marinette would go unscathed then he would do it without any second thought.

Sacrificing himself for Ladybug's safety?
Sounded like him.

Staying awake all night to comfort his princess and stop her from crying about a nightmare?
Most definitely.

But, that didn't mean he was used to other people returning the favour. No one was really protective about him, he always grew up between camera flashes, where people take take take, he was just used to his Father being overprotective.

This was the reason every time Marinette did anything incredibly sweet for him he couldn't help but feel giddy and grin like an idiot. Her smallest act that showed him that she cared made his stomach fluttery and that warm feeling that erupted from his heart, washing over his entire body which was something he couldn't really turn a blind eye to.

Like the day he had got a slight fever, it was merely an inflammation— an indication that his body's immune was just doing its work. Marinette had totally freaked out about his fever which was just a few degrees higher than the normal body temperature.

She had ordered him to rest and when he didn't, she climbed into her bed with him. Placing his head in her lap and covering the rest of his body with a soft blanket, she started petting his hair, occasionally his cat ears. Something that he knew that she knew that always relaxed him.

"I am being babied." He had complained, pouting at her.

"Then I bet the baby would love a lullaby." She started humming a very soothing song.

Damn her angelically relaxing voice!

He could feel his eyelids getting heavier as her voice and ministrations lulled him to sleep. He passed out in her lap and he never felt her leave because she never did. She stayed, she always did.

He was a cat, truly and he had been embarrassed more than a few times about it. He couldn't really defend his urges to being fussed over and to be given undivided attention.

After waking up, he found himself sitting— leaning against Marinette's frame for support as she fed him hot chicken soup.  She would've made it herself if not for a certain cat sleeping soundly in her lap. It was delicious nonetheless.

His heart swelled with love and affection as she blew at the soup and directed the spoon towards his mouth.

He didn't deserve her. She was too good for this world.

There was so much that he loved about her, like the day he tried to piggy-back ride her.

Sabine had taken a picture of them, his arms wrapped around her as he stared at her, grinning like an idiot while her face was frozen in laughter.

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