You Make Me Wanna Savour Every Moment Slowly

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A/N: This is probably the longest break I have got since 9th grade. A whole month of lockdown in my country. Wow! Seriously though, my summer vacation in grade 9th and 10th was just 13 days long.

And before you ask, it wasn't because of summer school or something like that. Apparently, they wanted to take extra classes of all those students who opted for advanced studies.

And in 10th grade, the only real holidays I got were just during the festivals and even then, thank you internet, I was still busy studying. Weekends were just like weekdays to me.

11th grade- 20 days. And now, in 12th grade, I got a whole MONTH! Who knows how much longer this is gonna last? But this lockdown did do something good: I finally watched a movie with my whole family after 1 and a half-year! It was fun, really fun, finally watching a movie together after such a long time.

My brother and I are so busy with our study schedule that we hardly ever get time to breathe. Even though I'm getting bored, I am glad that I got this break.

We all should thank god with everything we've got for giving us such a beautiful life and appreciate the little things. Thank the almighty for keeping us safe even during these hard times.

Cat Noir was shocked. She loves me?
His heart fluttered in his chest as she said those words. The feeling of doubt and sadness was washed away with the ray of hope. But, if she loved him then there wasn't any problem, right? Then, why would she lock him out and separate their ways? Something wasn't adding up. "Wh-What?" He managed to ask, still unsure of the situation.

"You... You ruined me! You did this to me, Cat Noir, all of this is your fault!" She pointed her index finger at him angrily.

The cat in front of her was getting more and more confused by each passing second. Seeing her glaring at him didn't help his case either. So does she love me or not?

"Wait, I don't get it. How is this my fault?" He asked. What was with her? And, what was the real emotion behind that sudden fury in her eyes? Did she hit her head or something after he passed out? That could happen, considering her clumsiness from time to time. But before he could investigate further she retorted.

"Oooh! The kitty wants to know. Well, I will happily tell you. You-You make me the happiest person on earth! If I am having a bad day, all I've got to do is to think about you and poof! I become happy. You are a blessing, Cat Noir. You are selfless, kind, caring, funny, goofy, serious and everything. You inspire me and hundreds out there. You make the world a better place, you keep others around you happy. How can you expect me to not fall in love with you? Huh? Tell me!"

Of all the praises he had received in his life, this one had to be the most peculiar. The complements leaving her mouth didn't match or justify her angry tone.

"Marinette, I-" Cat started.

"I am not done with you!" She interrupted him. "You have the most enchanting eyes I've ever seen, the most attractive smile, sweetest voice and not to forget that pretty face of yours."

"Princess-" Cat whined. He wanted to speak and find out what was wrong with all that. Not to mention the giddiness he felt because of her exalting him.

"I am still not done with you!" She interjected, raising her hand to silence him. "You make me feel special and I do not want anything but to make you feel loved and happy. But, none of that is useful when you are lying unconscious or if you are bleeding. Do you even have any idea of how I felt when I saw that wall crashing down on you and knocking you out completely, do you? No! I felt as if time had stopped and my entire world had come crashing down. I need you in my life, silly cat, nothing makes sense without you. You always go around sacrificing yourself for others. Why can't you be more careful?" She sobbed.

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