Time Has Brought Your Heart To Me

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This chapter is a continuation of Cat's birthday.

{I don't know how many of you are rereading the edited edition of this book but, if someone is then all I can say is that thanks a lot and you rock!}

Marinette giggled at her Kitty's pout.
"Hey Chaton, wait here, I have to show you something." Marinette left him on her balcony and went downstairs.




"Is everything done, Mom?"

Sabine looked at her daughter and smiled. "Oh! You're back. Yes, everything's done, all we have to do now is wait."

"What you did for him is really appreciable, Marinette." Tom ruffled her hair from behind.

She smiled thankfully at her parents.


Cat Noir was getting more impatient with every passing second.

What's taking her so long?

He went inside her room and lifted her trapdoor. "Marinette, Is everything okay?"

No answer? Weird...
Did something happen to her?
No, it can't. She's been gone for only fifteen minutes, besides, it's her own house. Nothing can happen to her in her own house, right. Right? Maybe I should check on her. It's too quiet downstairs.

He entered the Dupain-Cheng's living room. It was pitch black and if it wasn't for his night vision then he wouldn't have been able to walk around so easily. The quietness did nothing to help his anxiety either.

Where is everybody?

"Mari?" He called out.

No answer.

"Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng?"

No answer again.

"Mari, Princess?" He called out, panicking.

Suddenly he came across a projector.
He switched it on, not knowing what he was doing. A video started playing on the screen in front of the project.

Ladybug: Cat Noir, you are the best partner a superhero can ever get. You might annoy me sometimes with your annoying jokes but, they always cheer me up. I love being friends with someone so kind and caring. You sacrifice your own safety from me. You are very brave and confident and if it wasn't for you then, I won't be able to be 'the great Ladybug'. Happy Birthday! I am proud of you, mon chaton.

Alya: Hey Cat Noir! I just want to say that what you do for Paris is really great. You stay up at night so we can all have a good night's sleep. You keep Paris safe and always help anyone in need. Happy Birthday, Cat Noir! I am proud of you.

Nino: Hey dude! 'sup? Look, I just wanna thank you for everything you've done. You've saved many innocent people from Hawkmoth. You are a role model for people. You are my role model. You are so cool with your baton. Thank you, Cat Noir and I wish you a very Happy Birthday. I am proud of you.

Chloe: Cat Noir isn't as awesome as Ladybug, but he's not that bad, I guess. He has saved me a couple of times, whatever. Anyway, Happy Birthday and I-I a-am proud o-of y-you, that is... Ugh! This sweet-talking is grossing me out.

Cat chuckled.

Citizen 1: Thank you, Cat Noir, for what you do for us every day...

Citizen 2: ...It's really great, knowing that the city is in great hands and that we are in great hands...

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