Morning (?)

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- School AU -

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- School AU -

Monday, ??? AM


The cocker spaniel smiles happily at who call her and reply, "Yes? What's wrong?" The one who called her is trying to catch up her breathe before saying, "L-Let me ... borrow your book, first!" "Eh? Calm down... Oh!" Mercy remembered that Sincerity have a scary lesson, maybe sth. similar to the hell thingy? "Alright, stay there!" Mercy says cheerfully then get inside her class to get the notebook.

"Thanks so much, Mer'! See ya later!" The white mouse shouts, running and hoping that she won't be late. Mercy, of course, know the situation and giggle herself. "Oh, Sincy~" she mumbles her friend's nickname to herself. Well, Murder seems to know everything from the first until the end.

Mercy realized it, but she just undirectly smile at that and get back to her friends. Unknown by her too, he's smiling for some reasons. 'Mercy..' he thought, back focusing on his own friends. 'Silly, shy but kind..?' Then he went to his own class.


Tuesday, ??? AM

"It's still--"

"Wait, what?" Mercy's teammate asks confusely, the rabbit with purple hoodie tilts her head in confusion while looking at her friend. "Uh, Uhm... N-Nothing?" She replies nervously. "What's wrong, you can tell me anything." Chaos assures, smiling. She knows that sth. is wrong because of her acts.

And it's not just once but sometimes Mercy can talk to herself-- 'I mean..' Chaos thinks, 'When all of us are doing our things and everyone is silence, She can suddenly say strange things out of nowhere.' "I-I know, Chasy... But... I-It's not like I don't trust you." Mercy fidgets, scared that she'll break her friend's heart. Chaos lets a small giggle and pet Mercy's head, "Chill down~ You can vent if you want to and if y' don't wanna, that's okay too. It's your decision."

"T-Thanks, Chaos. It's actually just--" Mercy calms herself down, putting her hands on her chest then look at Chaos. She sighs before finally whispered sth. to the rabbit. Chaos' smile grew bigger after she did that and confirm everything on her thoughts. 'I knew it~!' She thinks happily while Mercy is blushing.

"W-What do you think about it, Chasy?"








"It's normal, and I'm glad for you."


''He keeps looking at me and I can't help but stare at him too..''


Wednesday, ??? AM

"SPORTS LESSON !!!" Determination shouts with excitement, Knowledge shakes her head playfully and chuckle along with Honesty. "Coury and Determy seem to love sport lesson more than any others." Honesty points out, making Knowy nods. "Sure! This sporty feeling can make you feel stronger!" Courage chips in the conversation. "Well, it makes us healthy too!" Knowledge claims while Determination has already started his activity with Courage.

"It sures do~ Also, creating bond between some of us too." Honesty says to herself, looking at Rebel and Violence practicing. "Love, how's the marathon?" Mercy asks, doing some stretching with Honor. "Ex... hausting... as always..." Love says between her breathe. "Cool down and sit here for a while." Mercy offers, unknowingly caught 'his' attention.

Yes, his.

When the teacher told all of them to do their daily routine of the sport lesson, He always looked at her secretly. And now, he's doing that-- "Murder!" Violence calls, tapping his friend's shoulder to get his attention because the floating cat looks lost in his thoughts. "Y-Yes?" he replies with a bit of shock, making Violence wonders what is happening on his friend's mind right now. "You alright there, buddy?" He asks, getting a quick nod from Murder.

Even if Violence not sure, he tries to trust him anyways. Maybe he has his own problems or what, "Is that so? Let's practice." Violence smiles, reasurring him. "With... us ..." Rebel joins in the conversation, tired because of their push-ups earlier. "And guys...?" Chaos catches their attention, pointing at the teacher.


"WHAT ???!!!"


Thursday, 7:15 AM

'I feel not well...' Mercy thinks, half-sleeping at the class in her desk. She rests her head at the desk and yawn, about to sleep. Well, it's almost 7:20 where the class starts. Also, 7:15 is the time where Murder comes to class. And magically (?) , Murder stares at her and tilt his head in confusion. How come a very cheerful girl suddenly become a so-silent girl? He's worried.

He then decides to brave himself, to be next to her, and ask what happened. But his heart has a wonderful earthquake happening there yet he tries to hide it. Keep walking to her side, about to sit next to her, he sighs a bit. He's scared, he doesn't know why either. It's not like he wants to bother her peaceful sleep, he's 'worried'. 

Sadly too, Chaos comes, looking at Murder confusedly as if asking 'what are u doing here?' Murder gulps, a little blush cross his face, shaking his head while looking at the ground and run away from them. That, of course, make Chaos more confused than ever but she decides to shrugg it off. She looks at Mercy, her teammate, that is sleeping silently. From there, she has just understood Murder's reason to come here.

'Ohohoho~ That's pretty funny! I should say it to Mercy when she wakes up~' 


Friday, 7:45 AM 


The students (re-read: spirits) laugh, hearing Slander's jokes make their life feel better. Welp, it's not always work for every teacher too. But at least, that make the lesson not so boring anymore (re-read: refreshing their mind and the important point is not to continue the lesson). Mercy and Chaos chuckle, seeing their friend on the front is like watching a comedy show on TV. 

Seriously, it makes the atmosphere not so cold and feel more fun...?

Anyhow, it's been a month since Murder keep staring at Mercy. She notices it, she sometimes like to stare at him too or to laugh together when sth. funny happened. But-- is that even hints? To know that they like each other ? Of course... no, right? Well, neither of them seem to lose hope whatshoever. So-- that's a good thing, right? 

Note: Long time no writting, I need more inspiration and get back to my usual imagination UwU anyhow, enjoy this MerMur even if it's short and 'gk nyambung' enjoy anyways

Note: Long time no writting, I need more inspiration and get back to my usual imagination UwU anyhow, enjoy this MerMur even if it's short and 'gk nyambung' enjoy anyways

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