Adam Reilly #1

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The August sun shone down on the group their aimless peddling moving them forwards towards their usual hangout. The blue sky stretched for miles ahead without a care in the world. Y/N’s y/h/c hair flowed behind her in the slight breeze they had built up. The woods of Knocknaree was an escape from the ugly uniform houses that sat on the estate, it was a place of imagination, where anything was possible, the blends of green housing shelter from the world. Ditching their bikes carelessly the tribe took off into a run. 

“Peter! Jamie! wait we can’t keep up!!” Y/N yelled after her brother and the older girl her soft Irish accent struggling to call out as her small feet pounded on the dying moss floor. The normally magical woods had turned into a maze of confusion. “Jamie! Peter!” Adam tried again but still nothing the older pair of the group had gone. Little did they know they would never see them again. “Adam, I'm scared” the younger girl whispered tears collecting involuntarily shaking from the looming cold. “It will be okay. We’ll find them. I’ll look after you.” Adam stated moving to hold her pale hand before walking off to find the others. All the trees looked identical, nothing looked right. They had never been this deep into the woods and Y/N was starting to worry they would never get out. 

The harsh bark dug into her delicate hands the vines holding her captive as if she’d let go she’d fall into the abyss. The screaming echoed in her head like a needle scratching against a record but nobody had bothered to change the song. The deep barks of the police dog violent against the night silence. She didn’t remember the ride to the hospital due to her recurring unconsciousness, the only thing falling from her chapped lips “Adam.” The Doctors tried to be nice and calm the youngster but they were of no help poking and prodding her. The police came and took her clothes the dungaree she religiously wore  practically perfect if you excused the three crisp sharp cuts and the blood that soaked her t-shirt. Yet still there was no Adam, no Peter and no Jamie. By the time the hospital had released the girl she’d been questioned so much it was like a mantra. Maybe it was her fault, her constant begging for Adam that made the Redhaired boy pack up and leave or the fact people assumed she was naming him as the culprit who committed the crime but he left never to be seen again. 

21 years later and still no Adam, no Peter and no Jamie. Y/N had grown up unlike her brother and friend. Her once short shoulder length y/h/c hair now sat below her breasts her y/e/c orbs still held a sense of mischief but now was coupled with an unspeakable horror from the memories she didn’t have, from the questions she couldn’t answer no matter how hard she’d tried to remember. Everyone knew the story of Knocknaree and the mystery that befell it on the 16th of August 1985 and therefore looked at her like she was an object for their curiosity. The female had debated leaving but it was unfair for her parents to lose both of their children to the wild woods. When the Police came to talk to her yet again it was like she was that young 8 year old again innocent and unaware of how cruel the world could truly be.

The shrill of the doorbell made her jump almost scolding herself with the hot water from the kettle, opening the door slowly Y/N sighed moving her y/h/c hair out her face. “Come in” she whispered not even looking up at the badges presented to her “I knew you’d come. I’m so sorry for that poor Katy.” the statement met the stale air alone. Returning to the kitchen Y/N proceeded to take another two mismatching cups from the cupboard and brew the tea. Watching as the flavouring of PG swirled into the water. “How can I help you?” Y/N began again not waiting for the Police officers to introduce themselves painfully aware they were only here for one thing and it was something she couldn’t give them. “I’m Detective Maddox’s” the dark haired woman started off “and this is my Partner Detective Reilly.” The teaspoon slipped from Y/N’s grasp hitting the counter with a dull thud, breathing in shakily the girl turned to face the pair “Get out.” was all that greeted them. “Get out. GET OUT!” her tears stinging at her face, the dark haired female moved to leave but the male remained his pale face almost torn. “Come on Rob. You don’t want to make it worse.” Cassie Maddox hissed moving to pull him away but he was stuck. Turning back around to remove the teabag the y/h girl tried to block them out. Silence filled the room tension building “You were meant to look after me Adam” Y/N chuckled darkly anger clearly filling her. “You didn’t. You just left. You ran away because it was the easier option.” Still not turning to face the man Y/N took a sip of her tea. “I think you should leave don’t you?” she stated sarcastically. The heavy footsteps signalled he’d taken her advice but slowed “Oh don’t worry I won’t tell anyone Rob.” it was just another secret she would have to keep, what else was new. 

“I wanted to stay.” He finally spoke but he didn’t sound like Adam instead he had an English accent that made him sound pompous. “They were my friends. I was grieving too.” the words filled with hatred not at her but at himself. Moving to hold her gently Rob let his walls break down. “I’m going to find them even if it’s the last thing I ever do. I promise.”  Rob insisted stroking the girls long hair just like he did when they were children and she was upset. “Don’t make me go into those woods again.” Y/N whispered the salty tears streaming down her flushed face blood burning. After so many years, maybe this was her chance to start healing.

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