Lilac's Parents

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Just as Lilac and Asriel we're halfway home, Lilac's stomach began growling. She looked at Asriel and gave an embarrassed chuckle.

"Guess all that hard training worked up quite an appetite," she said.

Asriel chuckled back, patting his own stomach. "In that case, why don't we go to Grillby's for a snack?" He asked.

"You really mean it?" Lilac asked.

"Are you kidding?" Asriel asked. "I love Grillby's food! It's chock-full of delicious empty calories!" He licked his lips hungrily, and Lilac could hear the Goat Prince's stomach growling.

"Last one there pays!" Lilac said, running off.

"Hey, no head starts!" Asriel laughed, taking off after her.


Soon, the pair was enjoying some good old triple deep-fried double burgers and cheese fries at Grillby's. As they ate, they laughed at each other's bad puns.

"Okay, okay," Asriel said. "What's green, has four wheels, and flies?"

Lilac snorted. "What?"

"A garbage truck!" Asriel said, bursting into another fit of laughter.

Lilac snorted again. "Oh, gosh, Azzy, that was awful..."

Soon, the door to Grillby's rang as two more customers came in. One of them was a young-looking woman with brown hair and hazel eyes. She wore a sky-blue T-shirt and tan pants. The other was a man who was clean-shaven and had grey eyes. His hair was black, and he wore a forest green polo shirt and blue jeans.

Lilac gasped when she saw them.

"What?" Asriel asked.

The woman, having heard Lilac's gasp, turned to face her. She then tapped the man's shoulder, and he turned as well, his jaw dropping halfway upon seeing her.

Lilac got out of her seat and approached the woman.

"Mom?" She asked.

The woman approached her. "Lilac?" She asked back.

"Mom! Dad!" Lilac cried, rushing into the woman's arms.

"Lilac!" Both the man and woman cried. They hugged her tightly.

Lilac cried into the woman's shoulder. "I missed you..." she said.

"We missed you too," the woman responded. "My daughter..."

The man chuckled. "You've certainly changed a lot," he said.

"Whoa, whoa, time out," Asriel interrupted, getting out of his seat. "Your daughter?"

The woman chuckled, letting go of Lilac. "I see you know our daughter, Lilac Rosewood."

"Lilac Rosewood?" He asked.

"Oh," the woman said, remembering something. "We should've introduced ourselves. My name is Juniper Rosewood."

"I'm Ash Rosewood," the man said, introducing himself.

Asriel turned to Lilac. "These are your parents?" He asked, confused.

Lilac nodded.

"Why did you never speak of them?" The Goat Prince asked. "With how silent you've been, I would've thought your relationship with your birth parents was more... strained."

"Well," Lilac said, "it was they who taught me about the monsters trapped in Mt. Ebbot. They also gave me my nickname."

"Really?" Asriel asked.

Juniper nodded. "Lilac always seemed to skip about when she was younger, and she always seemed so full of energy."

"That's where she got the nickname 'Frisk' from," Ash finished. He turned to Lilac. "Seems as though you found yourself quite the handsome young man," he added.

Lilac blushed slightly. "Sorry if you barely recognize me, Mom and Dad," she said.

Juniper laughed. "No need to apologize, dear. You were so fascinated with learning about monsters that we often said you had the SOUL of one. Of course, we never meant it literally!"

"It's alright, though," Ash replied. "The form of a Boss Monster suits you quite well! I assume you're in the care of the Dreemurr family?"

Asriel nodded. "Yes, sir."

"We saw the newscast the day monsters were set free," Juniper said. "Frisk was among them. We were so shocked and happy."

"We almost didn't believe it," Ash said. "But those eyes, kind smile, and hair were telltale giveaways."

After talking for a few more minutes, Lilac and Asriel finished their lunch. Thankfully, it didn't get too cold. Juniper and Ash got their lunches and were about to head on their way.

"Wait!" Lilac said.

Juniper turned to face her daughter. "Yes, dear?"

Lilac's tail wagged. "Would you like to come over to where I'm living sometime?"

Juniper smiled. "That would be lovely," said. "I'd love to get to know your new family."

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