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Lilac's unconsciousness wasn't how she imagined it. She felt like she was trapped in a dark place. Suddenly, a scene flashed before her. Lilac gasped at what she saw.

Asriel Dreemurr, in his God of Hyperdeath form, was battling Chara, fueled by a desire for vengeance. A thirst for Chara's blood, even.

"No!" Lilac cried uselessly. "Don't do it!"

But Asriel wasn't listening to her. But buried within the furious hatred, Lilac sensed a heartbreak which she knew well: The feeling one feels when they lose someone close to them, or when said someone was dying.

Lilac knew that her SOUL was cracking. She tried to muster up any willpower to heal it, to wake up, to reach out to Asriel. All attempts were in vain.

All she could do was watch as Chara fired her Black Requiem at Asriel, leaving him half-dead.

Suddenly, Lilac heard Asriel's voice, strained and tired.

"Please..." his voice said. "Help me."

That was just the stimulus Lilac needed to awaken.

Lilac shot bolt upright, her eyes clearly visible to the friends and family that were there around the exam table she sat on. Though red like Chara's, Lilac's eyes were softer, warmer, and not as harsh as Chara's.

"Wh... what happened?" Lilac asked. Her head felt fuzzy, and she had trouble remembering the details of the last hour or so, as well as the dream she had.

Several eyes gazed at Lilac. There were Sans and Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys, Juniper and Ash Rosewood, and Toriel and Asgore. The two other goats sobbed in relief and hugged Lilac tightly.

"I thought we'd lost you," Toriel sniffled. Ash and Juniper joined in the hug. Lilac felt tears welling up in her eyes as well.

"Mom, Dad," she started. "I commit—"

"We know," Asgore said, gravely. "Asriel told us what you told him, as well as what happened."

Lilac sobbed, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen! I just wish I could go back and fix everything, and stop myself from doing that stupid Genocide Run!"

There was silence for a few moments, excepting Lilac's sobs.

"y'know," Sans said, "kid's done some bad things. but seeing as they never completed it, suffice to say that we really were friends after all, weren't we, kiddo?"

Lilac smiled at the shorter skeleton.


Undyne came over and punched Lilac's shoulder lightly, saying, "Paps does have a point. But pull that crap again and you're really gonna get it, punk!"

Lilac looked around at her friends, but noticed one was missing.

"Where's Asriel?" She asked.

This question brought fresh tears to Toriel's eyes. "Asriel went off to fight her," she said, crying. "He's going to kill her."

This was exactly what Lilac had seen in her dream, but she still couldn't believe it. "Why? Asriel would never kill anyone, especially not his best friend."

"simple," Sans answered. "he loves ya with all the heart that goat has. he took your bad state especially hard. he's avenging you."

"And besides," Asgore said solemly, "he's severed all ties of friendship with Chara, I'm afraid."

Lilac let it sink in. Despite his knowing what she'd done, Asriel loved her. He loved her enough to avenge her, and even sacrifice his life in the process. She needed to save him.

"I have to go," Lilac said. "I'm going to help Asriel."

"Absolutely not, young lady," Toriel said sternly. "You're in no condition to go anywhere."

"J-j-just look at this picture of your SOUL!" Alphys stammered. "It's falling apart!"

"I'm going to help Asriel," Lilac repeated, more slowly this time.

Toriel gripped Lilac's shoulders firmly. "Lilac, you could die! I can't lose you."

"We can't lose Asriel, Toriel!" Lilac said, her voice rising. "He's half-dead, and you just want to leave him?"

That comment made the Goat Mom flinch. Lilac felt a pang of guilt for speaking so harshly.

"I... I'm sorry, Mom," Lilac said. "I don't want to lose Asriel. Not after I gave him a second chance at life. I know you don't, either. I love him with all my heart, and I need to help him. He's my shining star that outshines everything else. And I'm determined to save him."

With that, a red light erupted from Lilac's chest.

"Frisk!" Ash called.

Lilac's SOUL popped out of her chest. It changed from red to white, signifying it's hybrid nature.

"Look!" Undyne called. "Frisk's SOUL!"

The SOUL shone brightly, and the cracks healed themselves. But that wasn't the only thing that happened. The SOUL then changed from red to white to shining gold, and went back into Lilac's chest.

As soon as it did, and amazing change took place.

A brilliant golden light surrounded Lilac. Her horns grew longer, and she gained white robes with iridescent lilac sleeves and a gold SOUL stitched into the front with gold thread. From her back sprouted feathered wings, pure white on the outside, and gold in the insides. She had become the Goddess of Hyperlife.

"Lilac?" Toriel asked. "Is that you?"

Lilac opened her eyes, revealing golden irises. "Yes," she said. "It's me."

"welp," Sans said. "that was certainly quite dazzling. now..." he closed his eye sockets, and when he opened them, his right socket was empty, while his left one had his magical glowing eye. "G i v e C h a r a a b a d t i m e."

Lilac smiled at Sans. "I have a different idea," she said. "I intend to save both Asriel and Chara."

Toriel, Asgore, Ash, and Juniper hugged Lilac tightly and wished her good luck. Lilac then stepped outside, and raced into the sky.

Hang on, Azzy, Lilac thought. The Goddess of Hyperlife is on the way.

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