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        A teenage girl silently slipped through an open gate, left open by the gardeners who'd left just minutes earlier. Her luminescent green eyes scanned over the beautiful yard- the most beautiful that she had ever laid eyes on.

        There was a grand fountain that stood proudly against the periwinkle blue sky, spewing out crystal clear water that reflected the sunlight. Wonderfully-trimmed hedges lined the tall brown fence, coming together at a magnificent white house, looming over the young girl.

        She was awed by this sight, but her main focus was on the other side of the yard, where another gate led to the fields behind it.

        The girl held her hand on the metal latch and gently pressed the gate closed, muffling the click. There was nobody roaming around the grand yard, which meant for a hopeful dash across the yard.

        As she tied her curly brunette hair into a messy bun, it revealed a more angular face with defined cheekbones and big eyes with long lashes. The girl was light on her feet, and when she began to run across the yard, she looked like a bird in flight. She was small with tiny feet and hands that always happened to be cold- even if it was 98 degrees out.

        Her bare feet landed silently on the soft green that lined the grounds of the rich yard, carrying her swiftly across.

        Only halfway through, the growling of dogs echoed in her ears. This frightened the young teen, encouraging her to go faster. Once she had leaped onto the cool stone of the fountain rims, the vicious bark of guard dogs could be heard, the sound getting louder and louder as they gave chase.

        The frightened girl glanced brielfly over her shoulder, only to see that the dogs were less than five feet away from her. Screaming in her mind but silent on the outside, she prayed to herself that she would get through safely.

        No later then her prayer, a harsh pain rippled through her, oringinating at her left ankle. She broke stride for just a minute and cried out,. but had to keep going.

        Scarlet blood streamed down heavily from the wound, staining her leg. She slammed into the gate and threw it open and darted through, slamming the gate behind her. The latch fell in place, and the teenage girl let out a breath.

        Despite the pain, the bottom of her leg was warm, due to the flow of blood. She tore off her scarf and made a make-shift bandage from it, wrapping it crudely around her torn-open foot.

        She began to limp as fast as she could, keeping as much weight as she could off of the injured foot. Darkness threatened to take over her senses, clouding her vision with black spots.

        The girl stumbled through the woods until she came across a lonely shed. She fell against the navy blue door, and it opened automatically. Inside was all neat and tidy- a pile of blankets in one corner, rusted tools hanging solomly against the wall, an overturned black weelbarrow underneath the tools, a pile of straw in another corner, and dusty, translucent windows on three of the four walls, and three stalls lining the north wall.

        Perhaps she was wrong, this was just a tiny, abandoned barn. The girl limped over to the pile of blankets and carried a soft blue blanket over to the corner that happened to be flooded with the mountain of straw.

        She curled up on the stack of straw, wrapping her small form with the baby blue blanket. Her small toes peeked out from underneath it, bnut it was warm all the same.

        It was then that she finally succumbed to the darkness, drowning in her memories and exhaustion.

~ Author's Note ~

Feel free to poin out any mistakes I made!

This is the first story I actually decided to put into words, and not just tossing the idea around.

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* Next Update *

Day: November 8th

Time: 12 o'clock pm (Eastern Time)

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