Chapter 2

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        Esther and her crew sat in the principal's office, their hands folded neatly and their legs crossed like little angels. The principal glared at the group of girls, shaking his head.

        "You've been here so many times, I don't know what to do with you anymore." Principal Yanzee glared at them. In the past, they had been caught doing the stupidest things such as making human pyramids in the halls and going Christmas caroling in between classes.

        "They were only piggyback rides." Charlotte huffed, crossing her arms.

        "This is unfair." Julie chimed in. Soon, the whole crew was complaining.

        "We were just having fun!"

        "This is so unjust, I can't even."

        "Can't we just have another chance?"

        "What she said!"

        "That is enough!" The principal banged on the desk with his fist and stood up. "This behavior might be tolerated outside of school properties, but it will not be allowed here. Meet Janitor Wilson in the second wing in front of his office for your punishment. You will be excused 8th period, and that is final." He glared at the girls, as if challanging them to fight back. "You are dismissed."

        With that, Esther took Arianna's arm and pulled her up, and the rest of the girls stood and left the office, standing outside his door for a minute.

        "I can't even right now, I'll see you all next period." Anne muttered, pulling Tessa by the arm to their class. The crew all parted, Esther being the only one with none of her friends in her class.

        As she opened the door to Life Science, Esther turned her attention to the board and sat down in the nearest empty desk. She opened up her textbook to page 364 and scribbled little designs in the margins.

        When her teacher wasn't looking, Esther rumaged through her purse and picked up her phone, pressing it into her textbook as she pretended to read. Scrolling through her text messages, Esther found even more from 'Them', as Anne called them.

        "Esther Hutchins!" The teacher scolded shrilly as she stalked over to Esther's desk and snatched away her phone like a hawk swooping in for its prey. "Stop doodling and playing on this absurd device of yours, and listen."

        "Yes Ms. Obenshine." Esther reached up for her phone, and turned it off. She then put her pencil down and began to actually read the passage, even though her mind was elsewhere.

        "I expect to see you copying down notes." Obenshine commanded before she walked away, back to her desk.

        Twenty minutes later, the bell rang. Esther leapt from her desk and sprinted out of the room as fast as she could, since she could not styand another second in that hell of a classroom. She enjoyed science, but science wasn't her art class, and science wsn't her writing class.

        Writing and art was the two things that Esther did best. She excelled as a muscician, but she could never quite grasp at mathmatics and social studies, it just wasn't her thing.

        It was 8th period now, and Esther was supposed to meet her crew in front of the Janitor's closet, or she'd be in even bigger trouble.

        Esther had no idea what she was about to do, and she was the first one in front of the closed door. Janitor Wilson stepped out, a broom and dustpan in hand.

        "While you wait, help yourself to sweeping my floor." He said, handing her the broom and dustpan.

        This was going to be a long 45 minutes...

~ Author's Note ~

Heheh early update!

I got bored, sorry, and I needed something to do.

* Next Update *

Date: November 9th (This time!)

Time: 12 o'clock pm (Eastern Time)

Love you, my readers!

- stitch

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