The worst thing that could happen to a human being

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"Do you know why everybody is afraid of the dark?
-Because you can't see shit?
-Exactly that. Darkness is blinding. Darkness is the worst thing that could happen to a human being. Have you ever taken the time to reflect how much we poor creatures rely on vision? Can you imagine how it would feel, if your eyes decieved you?"
She leaned closer, breathing down her neck as she whispered into her ear:
"You are shivering, bunny.
-Mmh, am I?
-You are. And do you know why we need our eyes so much? We depict the world through them. Our other senses can help us feed the fantasy to a certain degree, but when left in the dark, they can only nurture your imagination, the constant guesses and tries to rebuild the scenary in our mind, the always changing signals confusing the conscience, the nameless and everlasting fear."
The girl shuddered, raising her hands to rip away the blindfold, but the woman quickly grasped her wrists and squeezed them tightly. She struggled a little, took a sharp breath and finally remained still.
"Oh my feral, feral untamed pet. You see, when we can not see, we lost all of our repairs. Do you know this feeling, when you are in the dark and you go to open the door but where there was supposed to be the handle lays just air, and the anxiety grows as your hand grasps the nothingless? Obscurity is the total unknowledge of your surroundings, sheer and complete, and this is why it frightens you. When you are in the dark, you can't do anything, you don't know anything. Any shadow could be a wolf that would jump at you and devore you right now. You are as good as naked, drenched in your innocence. This is the worst, and the most dreadful form of vulnerability."

A tiny smile lingered on the creature's lips, driving the woman mad as she threw her on the old mattress. Lines of pure, white gold drew prison barrels on her naked, porcelain skin, courtesy of the full moonlight peering through the window of the room.

"Why are you laughing, slut?
-Because I gotta be pretty fucked up, I think."
The woman opened the window with a slam, letting the cold night wind brush against her warm winter clothes and evelop the bony, nude one. But she just laughed passionately, the laugh of a madman, and for the first time in her life V. W. thought that mabe, she had just found somebody who was crazier than her.
"You should not be laughing, she sneered, throwing her fist against the nighttable. I could be killing you anytime soon. I could cut this lovely white skin open now, tear it about while breaking in half every bone inside your thoracic cage, drag your pulmons out of it like the wings of a butterfly and let you bleed to death with those pretty oxygen alveoles out there between your tits. Or I could tear your back column in two so you could never walk again. Or I could search inside your chest, grab your still beating heart in my hand and let you hear me eat it as the last thing you would ever hear! And there you are, laughing!
-But that's the thing, really. That's what makes it so wrong, so motherfucking marvelous. I'm laughing -and I can't even stop!- because there I am, blindfolded and laying on the bed of a sociopath who's talking 'bout eating my hear and shit, and I- and I am goddamn wet!"

Then of course V. W. burst out laughing too: because she was only human and being confronted to the most absurd, bizarre and disturbing situations, there's only so much a human can do before they laugh or cry and in the midst of all this pain and pleasure and moonlight she didn't want to cry so they laughed, she laughed because she was only a human but she was also monstruous so suddenly she punched the girl straight in the mouth and they both stopped laughing.

The woman crawled onto the body that lay beneath her, tugging and punching and digging her nails in anything she found, earning little high-pitched whines that she couldn't tell whether they were from pleasure or from pain.
"You know", the creature whispered between broken sighs as she buried her nails deeper in her breasts and and sucked the blood out of it. "It's actually quite pleasurable I think -the pain, the fear, all of this.
-You mean the vulnerability.
-I do. Actually, I do. Isn't that crazy? The possibility of imminent death, being a huge turn-on? Ain't I the fucking craziest?
-Oh, no. Do not talk like this, pet. I am still the craziest, believe me."

 They whispered huskingly while having dry, rough sex, a combination of actions V. W. never thought she'd enjoy -but the squirming and the moaning of the creature under her, skin against skin and nails baring the fresh nude flesh, proved her wrong. But soon enough, the girl crawled away from her grisp, sitting on the bed and hugging her knees. Her fingers lingered against the fabric of the scarf that blindfolded her, a gesture the woman understood as a menace to take it off anytime. She felt a pang in her chest at that thought, and raised a hand to forbid her for completing the motion, before realising that the girl was not only blind to her own body, but also to the woman's moves and signs.
"Don- do not take it off!" she urged, almost forgetting to separate every word distinctly in the heat of the moment. But that didn't seem to bother the girl though, as the phantom of her fingers leaned closer to the not of the scarf, menacing, a promise. So she did the one thing she had promised herself never to do: she begged.
"Do not take it off. Please.
-Don't call me pet, you're no master of mine. Remember, you can own me, but never control me."

With that, the girl's hands fell back to her side, and as soon as the imminent danger was over, she jumped over her, not baring the humiliation she had just lived. She shook her by the shoulders, grinning as she heard the back of her head knocking against her backspine.
"Oh Bunny. You should know better than to make me beg", she sank her teeth in the flesh of her wrist, only to let go when blood began to stream from the intense purple veins that drew soft arabescs behind the thin, translucid  skin. "You should know better than to make me ask twice", she watched the tears wet the blindfold and roll along the cheeks, wondering for a second what kind of look she could be wearing under it. Vulnerability was something that seemed so foreign to the creature's character, her dilated pupils always defying and defensive of any of the secrets she seemed to hide, and now that her walls were wearing thin, she couldn't even watch her work -because maybe blindness was the price to pay to destroy the security of another's conscience.

"You should know better than to order me.
-If I beg you -just like you did- will it make us even?
-Depends. Begging for what?
-Anything. Anyhow. Please", she whispered hastingly.
She licked her tears away, and through that the creature screamed in physical pain for the first time, and then they had rough sex.

The sun wasn't peering through the window when the girl's alarm woke her up -in fact, it was the night star that lit the room, shaking white globe, surrealist in the silver grey of the early morning. V. W. sat up in the tangled pale sheets, watching the moonlight draw zebra doodles and spider webs on her bruised vampire skin. Maybe she was a vampire, the woman saw as the girl's face lay perfectly still in an immobility a little to close to death, and maybe she was a werewolf if the animalistic scratching marks on the other one's back were something to deduce from. The other's eyes slowly opened, the blindfold laying on the ground, and the dilatation of her pupils in the deep darkness made them look like deep blackholes, that quickly retracted when meeting the reflection of the moon in the mirror in front of them.

She lazily threw an arm in its direction.

"I didn't know this things was here.
-Of course you did not: you were blind.
-I wish I still were", she whispered, then stood up in all of her naked glory, and slowly walked  over to the looking-glass.

"You remember that book, she asked slowly, where she crosses the smooth surface?
-It is in my opinion way to early to discuss litterature. I need booze.
-They say you get seven years of malediction, just for breaking one of those. How much do you think one would get, for litterally crossing it?"

But V. W. didn't answered as she had lay down again, hoping that if she faked to have fallen asleep, the girl would stop with her emotional, metaphysical questions and just leave. And she did, putting on clothes and gathering her things, before stopping and turning back again, her silhouet cut clearly in the geometric threshold.

"You were wrong", she called, and if pain could be a sound it surely would be this one, "being blindfolded isn't the worst thing that could happen to a human being. In fact it's very, very far from it."

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