No word to mouth my lord, my tongue has bled a thousand times

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"I suppose you have a work."
The eyes of the girl twitched in amusement as crinkles rose in their corner, smirking as if V. W. had told her a really funny joke. She reached out for the already half-empty bottle of rhum but the woman held it back, slender fingers wrapped tight around it to fathom the bliss of the feeling of possession as she took a large, delightful burning swig.

"Human resources", she giggled. "I fire people. But not the good ones, I swear!" She held up a finger to emphatise her speach. "Only the bad ones. I only fire those who harass girls or try to steal money. It's cool, I get to protect people and fight the mean ones, I'm a knight! Ah, and the lazy ones, also. Boss says I need to fire them too. He says it's their fault if they don't do their work."

V. W. let out a groan at the creature's drunk rambling. She grabbed her chin, inserting two fingers inside her mouth to open it wide and pressing the bottle between her lips.
"You talk too much. Come on, have a drink."

The creature grinned, as if she was awaiting for her to save her from her rambling -but then again, Violet Mesmer had stated very clearly that she wasn't one for saving. She'd probably rather drown herself in the infected waters of a sociopath than let prince charming approach her and as she laid their, letting burnind floods of poison invade her throat carelessly, V. W. realized she was doing just that.

"Ah, I'm wet", the girl whined as the half-empty bottle was pulled out from her sucking lips. Tiny driplets of golden liquid dazzled upon her fair skin, shimmering in the low-lamp light. The woman's eyes lingered over the bare chest under the opened shirt, and in a second she had smashed the lightbulb against the wall, letting the darkness dwell in as she sank her teeth in the flesh. The girl's body shook beneath her, whimpers escaping her mouth as febrile, frail arms surrounded V. W.'s  neck, reaching out to destroy her black bun. She shook away, pinning one of her wrists in her hand and blindly looking for the other one, which was tugging at any strand she could, desperately trying to mess her up. A wild, inhuman scream was let out as she throwed her body against the wall, no surrender in the reckless breaking lungs she bled out. An ambulance driving under the window drowned them both in surrealistic blue and red lights, setting a bloody fire in the girl's dilated pupils and the sirens rang but that didn't quiet her shouting and the screaming filled the room and covered even the sirens that never seemed to go away, still the girl's eyes were burning like pools of water and blood and a violence that didn't even sound like rage the heat of their body smashed one against the other there was no time to speak, no words to be spoken and no use to try and tear their limbs apart because there was no space left, no space for there bodies squeezed together and none for even the oxygen they were breathing and as she pressed her against the wall the woman realized the cry held nothing but desperation, the same desperation that kept her bruising her fragile wrists but the noise just grew higher and it drove her crazy that two people could be just this desesperate so she let go of the girl's wrists and she covered her mouth, pressing her fingers on the lips until they finally shut, until the ambulance left and the silence finally reigned again.
But the ambulance didn't leave, and the red eyes dazzled in a muzzled grin as she dug her teath in the woman's hand. She roared and quickly plunged her tongue in her mouth and bit at anything she'd find, tearing both of their flesh apart and licking out the blood, slamming and punching and pressing every inch of skin because she wished to leave her marks on her, on everything that she was, until every bruise was the shape of her fingerprints. She ragged their clothes and when she was done she ragged their skin and kept tearing them away, possessing both of their body as she got inside of the girl, herself, because she didn't see and wasn't sure she was able to feel the pain anymore. Finally they were left, as thought lifeless against the stained stone wall, and the ambulance drove the lights and the sirens away. Darkness. Silence. Their body tangled against the ground, no sound was made, not a word was spoken.
 Even thought she was perfectly still, V. W. knew the girl was awake, for the the raw beats of her survivor heart gave her away. She couldn't sleep, neither. She was too worn out, to even try to.

Next to her, the creature nodded.
"Say something."
The body turned around, breath lingering over the skin of her neck, and spoke no word.

It was abominable. The way the creature bit her lip, envelopped in a halo of the morning light that peered through the window, lighting on the smashed low lamp, the bumps in the wall, and every bruise and trace of violence she had inflected on the girl. The way the creature remained silent as she handed her a bowl of cereals, silent as she offered her clothes that seemed too big on her even though they were at the same heigh because she was just so skinny, silent while she stared and V. W. didn't dare to throw her out of her appartement. Because the girl's eyes were rimmed with red, she remarked, and while staring into the dilated pupils she saw nothing but void. She was a goner, had been gone for a long time now, and that was that look of sheer pain and violence she always caught when looking into those eyes: the despair of not being here, of slipping through herself, immaterially. For the first time in her life, V. W. saw herself in somebody else, she decided. She had never loved in any way, unable to identify with humans since she felt she was nothing, a monstruous amount of nothingless, and there in front of her stood a ragdoll she could project all of her nothingless on. She watched her, for the first time looking for similarities she never found, inventing some really, because that look in her eyes was the only strand she held onto. She made her another herself, a herself she had power over, she could hurt, she could own. And so it was abominable, unbearable really when the girl walked on her own, legs and arms moving without her support as she was her own person,  who didn't speak even when she was ordered to, who didn't depend on her, who didn't need her support to function, because this other entity of herself she wanted to possess gave her everything except what she desired, and that was control over her. But she would gain control. She had to, she needed to.

The girl rose her head and stared back.
"Talk to me, say something. Please."

The creature just grinned widely, smile not reaching her ever-so-empty eyes, and as a trail a blood rolled down her chin she realized her tongue probably was too swollen and torn to speak from everything she'd done last night.

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