Chapter 5: Back To Neibolt

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Beverly, Richie and Eddie all left Richie's room in a concerned hurry and they all piled into Richie's car together. Eddie sat in the back with Ben, and Beverly sat beside Richie in the front passenger seat. She gripped nervously onto the leather of her seat as they sped off towards the library. Eddie took a moment to anxiously puff his inhaler into his mouth again as Richie's reckless driving made him incredibly nervous. It stung a little as the medication shot into the back of his mouth and he inhaled deeply "Richie please be careful!" he managed. But he knew damn well that there was no time to be careful at all as he and Ben grabbed each other by the arms in an attempt to steady themselves in the back of the speeding car.
Finally they came to a screeching halt outside Derry's library where Mike lived, and as they all climbed out they heard a wild commotion inside. Richie and Beverly immediately sped off into the library, and Eddie took a moment to catch his breath again. Pennywise was terrifying enough for him, but Richie's driving sure came close to topping that. "You okay Eddie?" Ben asked as he patted him hard on the back. Eddie replied with a nod and gave him a thumbs up as he wheezed uneasily. 
Suddenly there was a loud scream from Beverly that startled them both, and they immediately ran inside to see what was up. As they entered, they found Henry Bower's lying in a heap on the floor with an axe in his head next to Mike, who was clutching at his bloody arm. Richie was bent over as he violently threw up onto the floor. "Are you guys okay?" Ben asked in horror.
"No I'm not okay! I just fucking killed a guy!" Richie replied hotly as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and Eddie felt himself shudder with disapproval at how gross that was. 

"W-where's Bill?" Eddie asked nervously, he was already afraid of the answer. 
"I thought he was with you guys?" Mike replied as he continued to try and catch his breath after wrestling violently with Bowers. "He's not with us" Ben replied in confusion. 
"I think I know where he's gone" Beverly responded quietly but confidently from behind them. Eddie felt his stomach drop as he realised where she was talking about and screwed his face up in anxious protest "Oh god, not fucking Neibolt" he thought to himself. 

i: Spider Stan

Bill slammed the brakes on his bike and came to a skidding halt outside the old well-house. He took a deep breath as he dropped Silver on the ground and began to make his way towards the old and rotten door. He felt his heart racing in his chest as his memories of Neibolt came rushing back to him. Memories of Georgie. He felt so guilty for what had happened to his little brother.
"Bill, wait!" Beverly cried from behind him as he made his way up the steps to open the door. Bill quietly turned to see his friends stood at the bottom of the steps. Eddie really didn't want to go into Neibolt, but he knew he had to. He felt his chest tighten with anxiety again and dreaded stepping through that door again. Nothing ever good happened behind that damned door. 
Richie noticed Eddie anxiously bracing himself for what waited for them all behind Neibolt's rotten front door, and he quietly grabbed hold of Eddie's sweaty hand. 
Eddie looked up at Richie, his anxiety plastered all over his face "I really don't want to go in there Rich" he whispered quietly as Bill tried to convince the others that they didn't need to go in with him. Richie quietly gave Eddie's hand a squeeze in reassurance "We have to, Eds. We'll stick together okay" he whispered back warmly. Richie was scared too, but he knew that Eddie needed a friend to reassure him more than the others did. 

Eddie could feel his heart racing as his chest tightened, he wanted to turn around and leave so badly, but he knew that if they wanted to get rid of Pennywise for good then he would have to be there too. Richie and Eddie continued to hold hands to reassure each other as they all entered the crooked house, and it was so much worse than they remembered it being.
The Losers all gazed around the dusty room with caution, and Eddie tried not to wheeze at the sight of all the cobwebs that laced themselves around every piece of furniture in the room. "Well I love what he's done with the place" Richie said in an attempt to ease The Losers' anxiety. 
"Beep beep Richie" Beverly responded. Eddie felt his anxiety intensify as Richie let go of his hand to move cobwebs out of their way as they entered deeper into the house. 

Suddenly a door slammed shut, making Bill, Richie and Eddie jump at once as they were separated from Mike, Beverly and Ben. They began knocking frantically on the door and tried their best to open it, but it wouldn't budge. Eddie felt his stomach tie itself in knots as he immediately knew that Pennywise was up to his old tricks again. Things quietened down as Bill checked on Richie and Eddie to make sure they were okay, but they were startled when they heard a noise coming from inside the creepy looking refrigerator that sat randomly in the room. 
Eddie recognised it instantly as memories of Pennywise unfolding himself out of it came rushing back to him, and he screwed his face up in fear of what might unfold itself out of it this time. 
The door slowly began to open and it let out a loud creak, Eddie's heart began pounding against his chest again and Richie edged closer to get a proper look at what was inside.
"Stanley?" Richie exclaimed quietly, and sure enough, tangled up inside the refrigerator was Stanley's body. 
Without warning, Stanley's head suddenly rolled out towards them and began talking to them. Eddie found himself completely paralysed with fear as Stanley's head suddenly began sprouting what looked like spiders legs. He couldn't tear his eyes away from it as it began laughing manically at them, and he tried his best not to gag as they watched in horror when more legs sprouted out from Stanley's eye sockets.

The head suddenly lunged forwards as it continued to laugh menacingly at them and immediately attacked Richie. Eddie watched in horror and found himself backed up against a dusty wall at the back of the room they were trapped in. He wanted to help fight the thing off so badly, but he just couldn't bring himself to move. He was so scared already, and this was just the icing on the cake for him. His arms glued themselves to his sides in absolute fear, and he prayed that the repulsive looking creature wouldn't come for him.
As Richie and Bill began to fight back with various objects in the room, the spidery creature suddenly disappeared into the darkness without a trace. Eddie's chest felt tight, and his arms stayed permanently glued to his sides as he couldn't bring himself to fight with the others. The next thing he knew, Richie was standing in front of him with his hands placed gently on Eddie's arms "Eds, are you okay?" he asked loudly. Eddie couldn't even bring himself to nod in response, he just continued to anxiously stare at Richie in front of him. He was glad Richie was okay, but he had the overwhelming feeling of wanting to go back home.

As the room began to settle, a small string of saliva slowly lowered itself between Richie and Eddie, and Eddie stared at it in gross horror. "Oh, there he is" Richie said flatly. 
The spidery creature violently lunged out of it's hiding place and went straight for Richie again. Eddie was still completely paralysed with fear and watched on in horror as he couldn't bring himself to move and help his friends. "Eddie, quick! Help us!" Bill cried as he tried to prize the monster off of Richie. But Eddie still couldn't bring himself to move, he was so scared he couldn't make himself move. "Eddie!" Bill cried again as he continued to wrestle the monster. Richie was beginning to struggle now as the monster drooled and dribbled all over him and did it's best to try and get close enough to bite Richie's face off. 
After what felt like a lifetime of wrestling and fighting back against the strange creature, Ben suddenly appeared and stabbed it in the head with a spike. Eddie continued to watch on in horror as the monster finally went limp and released Richie from it's unforgiving grip. 
Bill angrily flew towards Eddie and grabbed him tightly by the collar of his shirt "Richie could have been killed! You just stood there!" he yelled, clearly shaken. 
"I-I'm sorry" Eddie replied, trying his best not to cry "I-I was scared... Please don't be mad, Bill" he pleaded. He felt sick to his stomach that he'd let his friends down, Richie most of all. The one friend he cared about the most, and he couldn't even bring himself to help him when his life was in trouble. 

After Bill calmed down, he lead the way further down into the house towards the entrance of the sewers. Meanwhile Richie and Eddie were trailing behind the others, Richie took hold of Eddie's arm "I'm okay Eds, really" he said softly "Don't beat yourself up okay?" he added, trying his best to reassure Eddie even though he was almost killed by a weird looking spider. 

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