Chapter 8: Coming Out

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After what felt like an eternity to Beverly, Richie and Eddie finally made their way down the stairs to join the others in the living room. Eddie was looking particularly upset as his face was still bright pink, and Richie's hair was still a mess. They had heard Richie and Eddie yelling at each other through the ceiling for a good five minutes, and didn't dare interrupt them. 
Richie quietly helped Eddie over to a couch without a word, and they both sat down looking sheepishly at the floor. "Guys" Bill began "What the fuck went on up there?" he asked in a low voice and he folded his arms. Eddie sighed as he leaned back in his seat and rubbed his eyes with his hand. 

Finally, Richie stood up from his spot and placed a hand on his chest "I'm just gonna come out with it now okay" he began "I've hidden this long enough as it is, and there's no point hiding it now when you guys just saw what happened" he continued frankly "I am gay."
"Well that was pretty obvious when you felt up Eddie" Beverly interrupted loudly.
"Hey!" Eddie responded in slight offence at the comment. 
"Seriously though guys" Richie continued, "Ever since we were kids, I always knew I was different but it felt wrong back then... But now, since being here after everything, I'm okay with that now... I don't know about Eddie though you should ask him about that" he said as he diverted the awkward attention away from him. Eddie gave him a hot glare, "Gee, thanks Rich" he thought to himself in annoyance.
Beverly quietly knelt down in front of Eddie and placed a concerned hand on his knee, "Eds, what's going on?" she asked softly, "Come on, you can talk to us... We're just confused that's all" she tried to reassure him. Eddie let out a loud sigh from underneath his hand, and sat forward as he placed his hand on Beverly's.

He looked deep into Beverly's eyes, and he finally felt he could open up to her. "I love Richie" he said in a low voice. 
"What?" she said softly.
"What?" the others joined in. Richie stared at him with wide eyes in slight surprise.
"What?" He asked.
They watched in stunned silence as Eddie's face screwed itself up again, and he began to sob loudly into his hands. Richie shuffled towards Eddie and put his arm around him "Eds, I didn't know you felt that way" he said softly as Eddie continued to sob. Richie leaned his head on Eddie's in reassurance and whispered "I love you too, dipshit". 
Eddie looked up from his hands at Richie "Really?" he asked softly, his eyes were sparkling from the tears. "Of course you idiot" Richie replied and smiled warmly at him. 
"Oh Richie" Eddie responded quietly, and gave him a tight hug. 

The Losers continued to watch in confused surprise as Eddie and Richie emotionally hugged each other on the couch. "But Eds... What about your wife?" Beverly asked, trying not to ruin the mood. Eddie sighed again "She's awful, I won't lie" he began "We haven't been happy for a long time, and we've always refused to acknowledge it" he said sadly. "I thought I loved her..." 
"And then that's where I come in" Richie said jokingly, only to receive a shove from Eddie. 
"I broke things off with her just now... Which is why Rich and I were yelling at each other. I didn't think I could do it" Eddie added quietly. 
"Oh Eddie" Beverly said softly, and she gave him a tight hug. Eddie promptly burst into tears again "I'm sorry I never told you guys" he whimpered quietly into Beverly's shoulder "I was scared" he added. "It wasn't 'til we all got back together at the restaurant the other day that I realised how I really felt".
Bill stepped forward towards them on the couch and joined Beverly as he knelt on the ground in front of Eddie "Eds" he said softly "It's okay... Really" he said as he patted him on the back in reassurance. "I know it's been hard for you man" he added "We were just... surprised when we walked in and saw Richie on top of you.. We though maybe he cornered you" he said giving Richie a childish wink as Richie pretended to be offended. "I hope you know that we still think you're a loser, Eds" he said quietly.
"Really?" Eddie asked quietly.
"Really." All of the Losers replied together. Eddie smiled at them all emotionally, and sighed. 
"Thanks you guys" he replied, and he wiped his eyes dry.

i: A Losers Party 

After a few moments of reassuring Eddie that everything would be okay, the losers finally picked up where they left off. It wasn't long before the drinks were back in full swing again, and Richie was already cracking some awful jokes that sent them all into hysterics. Taking this in his stride, Richie promptly began showing off by drinking from a shot glass without using his hands and winked childishly at Eddie. 
"I'd just like to take a moment.." Bill drunkenly began "To personally thank you guys for getting through this shit with me" he added, "But also to the happy couple" he said as he wobbled clumsily on the spot. The losers all laughed hard at the state of him as Richie pretended to be an emotional bride and placed one of the table cloths over his head. Eddie glared at him unimpressed but promptly burst into hysterical laughter with the others.

It felt good to all of the losers to finally enjoy themselves together, without having the doom and gloom of Pennywise's wrath looming over them. It had been a long time since they had last enjoyed each other's company without being rudely interrupted by monsters or Pennywise leaving scary messages lying around for them.
"Hey" Richie said as he leaned over quietly to Eddie "Did you wanna come and stay with me in the city for a while?" he asked as he let slip a small burp that smelled of vodka. "Pardon" he said, slightly surprised with himself. Eddie looked up at Richie beside him "A-are you sure?" he asked timidly. "Sure! It's not like you have anywhere else to go right now cause your walrus- I'm sorry, I mean, your wife seemed pretty mad earlier". Eddie chuckled at him and sighed.
"Yeah she did didn't she..." he replied. 
"Come on, it'll be fun" Richie said as he elbowed Eddie with encouragement "We could get a pomeranian... we could name it Stanley" he joked. Eddie fell about laughing at the thought of having a pomeranian named Stanley "God don't even remind me of that fuckin' Pomeranian, man" he laughed.
"What do you say?" Richie said as he patted Eddie hard on the back. Eddie looked up at Richie and looked into his eyes again. "Sure... I'd like that" he replied. 
"Sweet! Then it's settled" Richie replied with a warm smile. 

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