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Logan's (pov)

My head is pounding and simply breathing hurts. My right arm is utterly fucking me over because god damn does it hurt. Wait it hurts? I'm not dead? Then why can't I mo-"Answer me! Answer me please! Come on get up! Please come back!" What? Who's yelling? What do they mean come back? Ok Logan 'come back'. I try my hardest to move but nothing. Just pain. This truly was a foolish experiment. I should've just died "Please, please come back! Don't leave me! You can't leave me!" Who on earth is that and why would they want me to live? I'm just a burden. Nothing more, nothing less. I give up on trying to move. There's no point. Whoever it is can scream out there stupid screams. I might as well just wait for dea-"Logan if you can hear me I love you so so much. You mean the world to me and if I could go back I would scream out yes because I do want to marry you. I do want to spend the rest of my life with you. So please come back." Remus? It can't be. He hates me. But if it is him. Then, then I have to let him know!

"I love you too."

Remus's (pov)

My head immediately snaps up to see Logan breathing heavily. His chest moving up and down spastically with his eyes clenched close. I feel tears in my eyes as I realise he's trying to wake up. "Logan!" I sit up on the bed and hang my head over his chest. A heartbeat. Not steady  but there. "Come on Lo you can do this!" I looked up to see Logan's weak form. He won't be able to do it. His arm is leaking far to much blood. He's not going to make it. "Come back." My voice cracks as tears start falling once more. He's not going to make it. But he has to! For Patton! For Roman! For Virgil! For Thomas! FOR ME! I sigh, I'm no Prince but I hope this works.

I lean down and press a kiss to his lips. Soft and gentle. One final tear leaves my eye as I pull away to see his chest no longer moving. "I'll miss you." I say to him or what was him. He usually looked so stoic and brave, ready to take on the world. Now? He's just gone. Pale and sickly looking. I stand up from where I was sitting and head to the door. "I need a drink." I mutter to myself.

"I hope you don't mean alcohol. We've talked about your use of intake with that." My hand freezes over the door handle and my eyes widen as I turn to see Logan smiling weakly at me. "Salutations love. Have I missed anything?" Only Logan would be this polite after literally dying. I immediately jump on him "LOGAN! YOU FUCKING IDIOT! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! NEVER DO THAT AGAIN YOU FUCKING CUNT!" I yell through tears of joy as I nuzzle my head in the crook of Logan's neck. "Your love confuses me." I laugh into his neck as he says that. "I just love you so so much that it physically hurts to not love you more so for you to go and scare the living daylights out of me is going to be confusing." I said into his neck. He chuckles lightly but ended up coughing. I pulled off his chest so he could regain his breathe. "Sorry." I said sheepishly but he shook his head "I'm just glad I got to see you again." Aaaaaaaaaand there goes my heart. Hold on. "Octo?" He hums as a response "Why?" He quickly looks down to his side and mumbles something incoherent "Can you say that again?" I ask taking his hand in mine. "I'm not good enough." HOLY SHIT! HOW WRONG CAN A PERSON BE?! "No, no, no, no, just fucking no. Listen you may be the smartest person in this room, you may be the smartest person in this entire house but I don't think I've heard you say a more incorrect thing since~" "Please don't." "Infinitesimal." "My life is a lie." I laugh a little as Logan face palms at his old mistake. "But in all seriousness how can you even think that? I love you more than anything in the world. Which reminds me." I get off the bed and Logan just raises a brow "Re~" "Logan Logic Sanders, will you marry me?" He smiled weakly "Of course you fucking dumbass." I smiled and leaned back over to him and kissed him gently and I can't explain how amazing it felt to know that a living breathing Logan kissed me back.

Once we finally pulled away I heard a soft squealing from the other side of the door as well as a few
"I have so much to do!"
"I have so much to bake!"
"I have so much to be annoyed about!"
I rolled my eyes and looked to Logan who nodded. I got up and opened the door to see Roman and Patton holding hands jumping up and down squealing happily whilst Virgil was sulking in the corner. "I assume you know?" They all looked towards me.

"We're gonna have a wedding!"

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