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(A/N trigger warning-slight smut not to much however, so don't worry.)

Remus's (pov)

"Remus~ what an absolute terror to see you."

I roll my eyes, "Oh drop the act it's only me, De." He chuckles deeply "What act?" I sigh rubbing LOGAN'S DICK my temples. "Look I just came to check up on you so will you please just drop the act and let me in." THATS WHAT HE SAID! Oh cool it brain! De chuckled once more stepping aside to let me in.

His room was completely black with a square yellow carpet in ASSHOLE the centre of the floor, he had special heat lights for his snake side and all but also for "Vivienne!" I exclaim happily. Vivienne is De's pet snake. She's a almost fully grown python. I kneeled down and she started to slither MOVE I'M GAY up my arm to my shoulder. "If you came just to pet her you could have just asked." I rolled my eyes and looked up to see De sitting on the bed. I could tell he stopped lying by how he talked. When he's lying he talks in a deeper voice SEXY VOICE and stretched out his words, if he's not lying he talks normally though his voice still holds that deep tone. "I didn't come just to pet Viv. I actually came to see how you were feeling." I ask setting said snake down. "Oh? You actually do something other than suck off that logic loving freak?" I have to suppress the urge to physically growl at that. "Look I saw what happened between you and Irra." His eyes widen as his human side went bright red "I also know Irras a stinking cunt and I wanted to see if you were alright." I walked over and sat down beside him as Vivienne snuck under the bed. "Well you don't have to worry I'm fine." I sighed "I really didn't want to do this." He looked at me confused but before he could say PICKLED POO-LONGS anything I took off towards the desk in the corner of his room and snatched his diary. "REMUS!" He screeched and I laughed like a maniac as he chased me around the room. "Dear diary, today was alright but I woke up with a giant~" "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE!" I laughed loudly as De snatched the book back red in the face as we both panted. "Now tell what's wrong or I'm actually gonna read it." I say straightening myself up. HA STRAIGHT! IMAGINE THAT! "Fine fine." He huffed throwing the diary under the bed presumably for Viv to eat to hide his shame. We both sat back down on the bed. "So what happened?" I asked he sighed "Well........."

Deceits (pov)
I couldn't be happier right now! Irra just confessed he liked me and I have had the biggest crush on him for forever! That's how we're here making out on my bed! Irra pushes me down and slipped his tongue down my throat. I moaned into the kiss as I felt my erection growing. He pulled off to kiss down my neck biting at scales. I pushed up into him and closed my eyes holding a lazy smile moaning when he bit down hard on my sweet spot..........Until, he got up. "That should do it." He said wiping his mouth with his sleeve. I sat confused "What do you mean?" I asked "I mean we're done here. I'm hungry you want something or not?" My eyes widened as I felt my heart shatter. "The hell?! You get me riled up and then nothing?! That's not fair!" He scoffed and stood up heading for the door "I did what I came here to do. I gave him a scare so now I'm going to leave. Have fun jacking off!" With that he walked out the door. I stared at it in complete and utter shock. That's it? He was just doing it to get a rile out of me? To scare another guy? I felt tears roll down my cheeks as Vivienne slithered up on to the bed. "And there goes my heart."
Back to Remus's (pov)

"Wow." I muttered. De nodded and looked away from me "So was it you he was trying to scare? Is that why you asked if I was alright?" He asked though I noticed him wiping at his DICK eyes. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and pulled him into my chest letting him cry. "To answer your question yes it was me he was trying to scare though I don't think messing with your feelings was the right way to do it though." I rub circles into his back as Viv wraps herself around his feet. "Remus?" I hum in acknowledgement. Wait acknowledgement? I've been spending to much time with Logan... whose my fiancé.....that makes perfect sense..DREAMS COME TRUE THATS NEW TO ME HOW WILD BLUEBERRY- ok brain you need to shut up now. "D-do you love Logan?" I look down at him confused "Well of cou-mmph!" My eyes widen as he KISSES ME! I immediately pull back slapping him square in the jaw "What the hell De?! Are you insane?!" I yell. He looks at me with an expression to match my own. "Oh my god! I am so sorry!" I stood up and stalked over to the door ignoring his begging me to stay. "Oh fuck off!" I yell slamming his door leaving me on the outside.

I breathed out a sigh of relief as I started walking back over to the light side. Ignoring the glare I got off Virgil and unfortunately the cowering Patton in the kitchen. I can't believe he's still scared of me. Well at this point it must be a knee jerk JERKING OFF reaction. I made my way over to Logan's door about to walk in like usual. When I heard sniffling. I opened the door and I saw Logan hunched over at his desk now wearing his normal outfit. "Logan?" I ask. He shot up and glared daggers in to me "How long?" He snarled. I looked at him confused "What do you mean?" I asked though that seemed to be the wrong response as he shot up from his desk. "I MEAN HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN FUCKING DECEIT!" My eyes widened "L-Logan I don't know what your talking about~" "SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU ALWAYS LOVED DECEIT FIRST! I KNOW YOU HAVE AND YOU COULDN'T GIVE HIM UP COULD YOU?!" I felt tears prick at my eyes as he took off his engagement ring. "Keep it. It's not like I'll be needing it anymore." He muttered holding it out. "Logan please?" I begged "Give it to Deceit. I'm sure you two will be happy." I shook my head "I love you. Not him." I said. He scoffed and grabbed my hand placing the ring in it. "Please?" I tried one last time. "Just get out." He muttered looking down. I grabbed the ring and sunk out of his room arriving in my own. I scream in anger and throw the ring at the wall.


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