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Remus's (pov)

I immediately pull back from Logan to see Irra slipping on his coat. "What did you do to him?" I ask standing up in front of Logan. "What did I do to him? What did you do to him? I made him a perfect cold-hearted calculating robot and then you ruined that!" He exclaimed with a gesture of his hand. "I didn't ruin anything he is not a machine, he's a person!" "Your delusional!" "I'm intrusive!" I snap back. He only smirks however "Logic come here please." My eyes narrow as he uses Logan's official name but I smile when logan doesn't move from his spot on the desk chair. "Heel boy!" He yells furious that Logan's disobeying him. "He's not a boy." I say trying to keep myself from straight up murdering Irra. "Oh is he not? Then why don't we let him speak for himself hmmm? Logic! Me or Remus, chose." He said sternly. I heard Logan sigh behind before getting up and walking over to


My heart immediately shattered he really didn't love me anymore. He didn't love anything anymore. Not even crofters. He stood beside him and glared daggers into me. But he didn't. He was staring right beside my head. I turned to look and a smirk spread across my face when I saw the plush octopus I gave him all those moons ago. I turned back around putting my acting skills to good use. "See? He belongs with me. He doesn't love you, he never has." Ouch. "Logan is a light side he isn't you~" "Then he isn't yours either. Last time I checked your worse than me." My smile faded as I realised he was right. It was the same reason I said no to him. "Falsehood." Logan wacked one of the biggest books I have ever seen over Irras head as he fell to the ground out cold.

I immediately ran over to him and hugged him tightly as he picked me up to swing me around. I laughed like an idiot as he planted hundreds of kisses on my face. I looked up to him as he set me down his eyes a now radiant brown. "I believe this is yours." I say placing the ring on his finger. "I believe it is." He said smiling. I went on my tip toes and kissed his nose when I realised something and I started crying for an entirely different reason. "Remus? Are you ok?" Logan asked running his hand over my cheek. "I-I" I was speechless. "M-my thoughts there-there." I couldn't get my words out "Come on you can tell me." He said warmly.

"My intrusive thoughts are gone."

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