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-still angels POV-

They are so tiny but doctor says they are heathy so i will believe that

Hayden- 4 pounds 2 ounces
(Oldest by 5 mins)

Kaiden- 4 pounds 0 ounces

I just couldn't believe that they are here right now. And in my arms incredible. Kaiden was the first one to open his eyes and they were these colour that you can get lost in. Like they were the colour of the leaves in spring. He wrapped his little finger around my larger finger.

"hi baby im your daddy,and i love you so much,i won't let anything,i mean anything happen to you or your brother,and of course your mommy." I said and smiled. After rocking Kaiden to sleep noticing that Hayden hasn't even woken up yet i set them down.

"Angel?" Michelle whispers

"Babe,oh gosh you did so great." I said and sat next to her.

"Are the babies okay?" She says and frantically sits up but flinches bye the pain.

"They are fine. I promise." I said and she smiled and nodded

"Can you call cameron to bring Skylar?" She said


"And babe can i see my babies now?" I chuckle and nod i hand her the boys and went to the hall

A- Angel

C- Cameron

C- hello?

A- sorry to wake you up at this time bro but uh Michelle just had the babies and she says if you can bring Skylar to see her brothers.

C- oh well she is sleeping right now but at like 7am she could come. And tell Michelle i love her,and best wishes please.

A- yea no problem,have a good day,bye

C- bye bro see you in a little while

I hung up and went in the room

"...and I love you,and your daddy and i hope your big sister loves you guys,." I smile at my beautiful family.

"That was cute." I said and she rolls her eyes playfully


"Oh yea he says he will bring her at 7...am and he says he loves you and best wishes." I says

"Whew at least they are coming...and can you go and check if the boys room and nursery please i just want it to be ready and perfect when they come home tomorrow." She says placing the babies back in the hospital cribs.

"Yea i will be back later...and with food." I says and she laughs

"I love you angel."

"I love you more baby...I love you way more."

After i went in the house i got some food from chipotle. I went back to the hospital. I saw Skylar on Michelle's lap and she was holding Hayden with Michelle's help while Kaiden was doing the same.

~Michelle's POV~

I can't believe it. All my kids in my arms. I smile at the thought. If only it would of worked out with cameron.

-5 days later-

Nash was coming over,he called me and was crying,and i told him to come over. I heard a knock at my door. Hayden and Kaiden were sleeping and Skylar was at school and Angel was working out stuff with his boss.

I opened the door.

"Oh god Nash whats wrong." I pulled him into a tight hug.

"She-she cheated on me." He broke out into another round of sobs. We sat on the couch

"Nash shhhhh its okay your better than that babe i promise." I said (and the babe thing in a friendly way,i call every one babe)
"But Michelle i loved her ,and married her,and and to walk in on that it hurts Michelle it hurts so much." He said i laid his head on my lap and gently played with his hair.

"I know,I have been through it,and i have learned to get through it." I said and a tear rolled down my cheek.

After a while Nash fell asleep. I stood up gently not waking him up and got him a blanket.i went to check on the boys and Hayden was awake.

"Hi baby." I said and walked to his crib i picked him up. I walked down stairs and put him in his baby rocking chair and then got Kaiden and put him in the rocking chair next to Hayden. I fed them and they fell asleep. Again. I made some food for Nash.
Angel texted me. Or so i thought

A:I can't wait for tonight tho babe

M:And what is happening to night

A:Oh uh sorry wasn't meant for you


A:Its not what it looks like

M:Wow ur really bad at cheating at least you could of made something up.


M:I'll be packing...

Angel is typing...


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