Chapter 8

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-1 year Later-

Looking,and looking and looking,and nothing my baby girl is still missing. Cameron and i had been living together,crying everyday. And I got a call from the police

"Hello Ms.Montez we found Skylar she is in really bad shape and we found another 3 others kids crying. We want to explain more meet us at Henrys Children Hospital."

"Oh my god thank you so much.I will be right there. CAMERON GET IN THE CAR" I hung up

"What's wrong?!" He asked

"They found her" was the last thing i said before heading to the hospital.

"Were is she?!" I asked

"Name ma'am." She asked looking up from her computer screen

"Skylar,Skylar dallas."

"Room 125." She said me and cameron ran to the room.

There she was lifeless all beaten up,burns here and there,bruises,scars,cuts. I started to cry,cameron was in tears.

-3 hours later-

"Please dont hurt me please." Skylar said as the doctor was fixing her tubes.

"Skylar,your awake." I said walking over to her

"No leave me alone. No never mind im sorry please don't hurt me." She flinched and I l started to cry again

"Cameron she is afraid of me." I sobbed into his chest.

"Shes not babe she is just scared." He said no we are not dating.


After about 3 days in the hospital we figured out the who others kids were.

Hazel: female, Age 8

Christian:male, age 13

Gabriel:Male, age 1

"We found then in a house that had one room food that can only last a month,and the kidnapper is unknown and they left there phone and Christian the oldest called us." Officer Erick said

"If you don't mind can we see Christian." I asked he nodded and pointed to the room he was in.

"Hey buddy." Cameron said

"Are-are you two here to beat me up?" He asked terrified

"Oh my god honey we would never do that." I said and sat next to him.

"Oh" he says

"Look buddy we wanna know how long were you kidnapped for and if want tell us about yourself." I asked

"For about 3 years now,my parents dead,Dont know where my family is anymore,and the kidnappers never showed there faces, when they brought the new kids i wanted to protect them but they locked me in the room and beat me-" he was going to keep going but i engulfed him a hug.

"Shhhh don't worry your safe i promise." He cried into my shoulder

"Bud we are going to get food for you and your friends." I said and he nodded i tucked him in the bed and he closed his eyes.

Cam went to get food i went to Hazels room.

"Hi honey." I said I was going to hug her and she flinched

"No im not going to hurt you." She loosed up

"I just want my mom." She said

I rubbed her back and said it was okay. After i made her feel better kind of i went to Gabriel's room.

He couldn't walk he couldn't crawl. He had green eyes like mine, dark blonde hair,and the best smile. But I miss Skylars smile,she is scared of me,I bet she hates me.

"And we were wondering if you would wanna adopt some of the kids because all foster homes are booked." He asked with hope

"Um ur-" I cut cameron off

"Sure" I said smiling

"Okay you don't have to do anything but pack your stuff and move to a bigger house."

"Okay the kids that you want just choose,the ones that you don't want we will give them to the parents in the other room. Have fun." He says and walks out of the room.

"I want Christian." I say before cameron says something

"But now i feel bad about the other ones." I says and my smiles fades

"Don't worry the parents next door will take care of them." Cameron says and hugs me.

"I love you Cameron"

"I love you more Michelle" he says back

We walk into Skylar's room.

"Mommy?" She says

"Oh my love!" I say and hug her gently not wanting to hurt her

"Why did you leave me mommy!" She says mad

"Baby girl i didn't mean to,i really didn't,i went to get your shoes."

"I hate you mommy!" She fires back

"Skylar babe please dont say that to mommy" cameron says

"No daddy you left me too." She says

"I want Chris." She pouts

"You know Chris?"i ask

"Yea mommy."

"will you love me if i told you he is coming home with us?" I ask with hope

"No mommy.....I already love you" she smiles we all hug. Cameron stayed with sky and i went to Christian.

"Hey Chris you awake?" I whisper

He opens his eyes "sorry did i wake you?" I said about to leave

"No you didn't." He says

"So I wanna talk,I understand if you don't want too,but if you want you can come home with us?"

"Really your joking?" He says and gently sits up not wanting to hurt himself.

"No Im not." I smile.

"I would love to ......?"

"Im Michelle feel free to call me what ever you feel makes you at home."

"Can I know about my new family?"

"Yea sure well Skylar is my daughter like my real daughter,um your new dad is vine famous,you have a lot of uncles,and soon to be aunts."

"No way i have heard of Nash Grier! He is my favorite viner." He says with a smile

"Oh don't tell Cameron but Nash is now your uncle."

"Wow that's so cool!" He says excited

"When your ready to go to your new house,tell me and we can meet everyone when your settled in yea?" I say

"Can we go now?" He asks

"Oh sure." I said

After a few hours of paper work,we went home.

"TYSONNNN!!!!" Skylar screamed

"Chris look this my doggy Ty or Tyson." Skylar said as they sat down a played with Tyson

"Michelle go rest." Cameron says

"No bab- I mean cam,im going to plan a little get together" I said

"Okay ill get the boys." He said smiling

"I'll get the girls." I said mirroring his smile

I hope you are enjoying the story so far ! Thank you guys for the support 💜

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