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Hello! So sorry for the wait! The semester got REAL, fast!

Also! I just posted chapter one of a new story between @fakeempires and I - it's called Cough Syrup is a bit lighter than this one, but still dramatic because it's us 😂. Go check it out.


Christian stared at his name, Christian Stephen Yelich, clearly printed on the birth certificate of his daughter, Indigo Blake Yelich. His daughter. He still couldn't believe it. All the nightmares he had of Gio's name being on the document didn't matter any longer. Indigo Blake was his little girl, and she was perfect.

And there was a chance she was coming home today, and Christian was excited about that notion as he watched his girlfriend hold Indy against her bare skin. The grin had been permanently etched on his face since the moment he realized she was his. He'd be her daddy forever.

"Can I hold her?" Christian asked softly, gently grasping Indy's impossibly tiny hand.

"Of course," Athena replied with a sweet smile, very carefully maneuvering Indy to her boyfriend's arms. She saw how much he loved their little girl. She already knew the pair were going to be inseparable, and she was so happy about that. She was so lucky that this was the end result.

Gio would have been an excellent father, too; Gio was an excellent father to his boys. But Christian and Indigo were made for each other.

Christian watched the preemie yawn dramatically before he repositioned her against his chest. "I love you and your momma so much," he whispered, kissing the top of the newborn's head.

"Ms. Williams, Mr. Yelich?" a nurse politely disrupted their sweet moment.

Christian looked up at the nurse and nodded, heart dropping out of fear of hearing bad news. That Indy couldn't go home yet. That they found something seriously wrong with his perfect daughter.

"She's cleared to go home this afternoon, and I have your paternity results," she informed the couple, handing them an envelope. "Please press the call button if you have any questions. I'm going to start preparing this little sweetheart's release papers," she finished before stepping away to let them enjoy their privacy.

Christian had almost forgotten about the paternity test they had ordered. He didn't need it, but he did it for Gio. He knew the man had been through a lot and deserved the truth. A simple cheek swab was a small price to pay for his teammate's peace of mind.

"Do you want me to open it?" Athena asked Christian, who was now rocking Indy ever so gently.

"Sure," Christian said with a grin and no hint of nerves. He had no doubts.

Athena opened the envelope and quickly skimmed the document until she reached the conclusion.

The probability of Mr. Christian S. Yelich being the biological father of Indigo Blake Yelich is > 99.9999%.

"Congratulations, daddy. Our baby is definitely a Yelich," Athena said excitedly, kissing her boyfriend's cheek. He turned into the kiss and captured her lips instead.

"I'm so happy, Thenes," he said as their lips separated.

"I'm the happiest I've ever been," she replied, gently brushing her baby's plentiful dark hair and smiling at the man she would hopefully one day marry.

And it was the happiest she had ever felt. She didn't know if her heart would ever feel this full again.


Everything his daughter did amazed him. Stretching her arms out? Adorable. Big yawn? The cutest. Little yawn? Just as cute. Kicking her tiny legs? Stunning.

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